Finding true LOVE...6

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Me, getting married....

Huh....he must be joking.

I gave him a bitter smile and left the room.

How could he do this to me ??? How could he decide "MY LIFE ".

He was that one soul who supported me in my ups and downs.

My brother , saying those words  was a huge blow to me.

Getting married was my dream...but not like this when my Dad was in a condition like that...Not in my wildest dream...


The call for prayer shrilled through my ears. Its Fajr , I looked down at the cup which was empty, so was my life.

I immediately went to my washroom and did my ablution.

Then I started my Salaah.

I prayed for my Dad and then for other family members and also for all the Ummah's of Allah.

For forgiveness , for health, for strength, for Emaa'n , for Taq'wa , for prosperity and for all sins.

I thought may be for all my sins only Allah is punishing me with an early marriage.

Then suddenly I was suffocating ,

Ya Allah...I never asked my brother.

Who is my Bride groom??

Who is THE best and perfect for me??

Who will it be???

Who is it going to be???

What is he??

How will he be???

Alisha...all these questions are the same, I reminded myself.

My mind was fully occupied, then there came a sound from my mobile indicating that I've got a reminder for taking my lab coat.

Then I realised that I've to go to my college. I've to get myself dressed. I silently thanked Allah for giving me everything in life , then I folded the prayer mat.

Then I rummaged my wardrobe. I took out my favourite black dress with a lot of orangish mustard streaks, with a black bottom.

I took a quick shower then I headed to my dressing table. I put on my contact lens , then I wore my black ear rings, with a black bracelet and my watch which was presented by my brother....


I love my brother too very much but now, how could he do this.

Uffff...idiotic Aasif....


Don't think about all these and stree yourself, leave it in the hands of Allah. He is there to guide you and guard you.

I kept repeating those words as if its a mantra, but yaah it did work.

Then I applied my moisturer, then a little of my eye pencil with mascara.

I was perfectly done. I looked at myself for the very last time through the mirror.


I patted myself as I usually did.

Then I reached my college with my friend Rooma.

After biding her bye along with a hug. I reached my department. I can see people being very always....

Then I went to my cabinet, I saw my friends Raafia, Annie and Diya waiting for me.

"Heyya guys" I greeted them.

"Helllliiioooo" was the chorus which I got from them.

Then I broke the news,

"Guys I've something to tell u all

After looking them making a small and quick nod with  a slight smile made me continue.

"Guys...I'm getting married..."

Words can't explain their reaction,  they were awestruck. I wish I could laugh at them, but I know that its not the right time.

After all they are my besties.






LOVE U ALL...^_^

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