Wake Up Asher
Ruby Harr
[Lights up on an empty bedroom. There is a twin bed in the middle of the room. On the right hand side of the bed is a desk and on the left is a night stand with a picture frame on it. There is a guitar, drum sets and a keyboard setup. Enter ASHER, 17. He is wearing a button up shirt and khaki pants. He glances around the room in an almost melancholy way. He sits on the bed. Beat. Enter Jacky, 18. She is wearing a flannel and jeans. She is holding two glass bottles.]
JACKY: Hey, Ash! What're you doing in here? The party's out there!
[ASHER gives her a look. JACKY chuckles.]
JACKY: I know, I know. Thirsty? [ASHER looks at the bottles.] Root beer, Asher. It's root beer. Do you really think I'd try to give you alcohol?
ASHER: [taking a bottle] No.
JACKY: [sitting next to ASHER] You know I don't like that stuff.
ASHER: Then why are you throwing this party, Jacky?
JACKY: Because I want everyone together tonight. We've graduated, Asher. You don't know when you'll see any of them again. We are all going to different places and this is the last night for us to be together.
ASHER: Then do it without alcohol.
JACKY: [shaking her head.] You know no one shows up to an alcohol free party.
ASHER: Well then they aren't real friends.
ASHER: No, Jacky. It's not right that they treat you this way. They only talk to you because your parents go out of town a lot and they have somewhere to do their illegal things for the weekend then they toss you aside when they don't need you.
JACKY: Not all of them, Ash.
ASHER: I know, but most of em do.
JACKY: Ash, can't you just enjoy this for tonight? There's a reason I'm throwing this party y'know?
ASHER: [sighing.] Fine.
JACKY: [hugging him] Thank you!
[ASHER chuckles and embraces JACKY. FRIEND enters.]
FRIEND: [slurring] They... Uh... S-sent me to come get you J-jacky.
JACKY: Okay, I'll be there in a minute.
FRIEND: O-oka...
[He starts to stumble, JACKY rushes to him and helps him out of the room. ASHER shakes his head smiling. JACKY walks back onstage toward ASHER, stopping herself. She turns back toward the door.]
ASHER: Where are you going?
JACKY: [messing with the door] There, no one can come in now.
ASHER: [shaking his head again] I suppose he's a "real friend"
JACKY: Yes, actually, he is. He helped me study for my pre-cal exams and I passed. So, I invited him. It's his first party.
ASHER: Ahh. Well I'm glad he helped you pass.
JACKY: So am I. [she looks at him.] So... What's your plans for college?
ASHER: Jacky, you're my bestfriend. You know what they are.