Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

One of his hands kept on moving higher and I continued to try and break free until the pressure was gone as blondie was unceremoniously pushed off me.  I looked up and saw the tall figure of Harry.

"Mate get off couldn't you see she wanted you to stop"

"No one ever wants me to stop" blonde responded as he walked away already looking for the next girl.

What a jerk, usually I wouldn't mind a bit of action but I like to be consulted before a tongue is shoved down my throat in the middle of a party. Harry opened his mouth to say something before I quickly cut him off.

"Thanks Harry, I definitely owe you one."

I turned and was walking away as he quickly intercepted me I tried to collect myself but as he grabbed my hand but I knew it was still shaking.

He looked at me and smiled reassuringly, "How am I going to collect on my IOU when I don't know anything about you lily, I at least need your phone number?" He raised his eyebrow at me and I must admit the boy was charming,  but he was just a boy.

"I guess you will just have to take your chances to see me again, " Once again I turned to walk away before he yelled

"At least let me give you a ride home Sammie and Lou are long gone by now?"

I hesitated and huffed had Sammie really left me already we had a plan to share a taxi home, I guess she couldn’t wait any longer with Louis.  I didn’t really want to spend the ridiculous amount of a London Taxi fare and was in no state to walk home myself.

“Fine” I agreed.

“You know what that means don’t you, you now owe me double” he smirked and I had no choice to release a small smile back. 

 We made our way to the door squeezing through the limited space between the crowd they were a few stumbles as I walked but Harry managed to catch me before I face planted in front of everyone. This kid really does have his uses I thought, he evidently he hadn’t been drinking if he was sober enough to drive and manoeuvre me throughout the crowd.  Once we were cleared of the crowd we walked in a comfortable silence through the extremely crisp autumn air.  

We had to walk a few blocks until we reached his car, I was surprised it was a vintage car. It was a white ford capri and it looked to be in very good condition for its age.

 “this is it” he said as he opened my door for me.  I climbed into the car and the interior was beautiful it was in such good condition I had to enquire about it.

“So this is your car?”

“Yeah well it was my dad’s but now it’s mine” he responded slowly as if choosing his words carefully.

I settled into the leather seats as he turned on the radio, as a song I didn’t recognise started playing he gently began humming.  Once I was sitting down I realised exactly how tired I was after the drinking and the events of tonight I was exhausted. I struggled to keep my eyes open as we drove through the quiet streets of London, it occurred to me how he had any idea where we going seeing as I wasn’t giving him directions, Sammie must have had him over before I moved in. 

Surely enough we arrived at my house 15 minutes later and Harry insisted on walking me to the door and as I opened the door I was glad he did. We were greeted with the unappealing image of Sammie and Louis, minimally clothed, all over each other on the couch.  They didn’t seem to notice us so I quietly closed the door and when it was in place me and harry burst out into a fit of giggles.

“oh my gosh I so did not need to see that’ I gasped through the laughing

“That just added a whole new meaning to the words scarred for life’ Harry was slowly composing himself “Do you maybe want to come hang out at my flat those two look like they might be busy for a while?”

Oh shit I was meant to be avoiding Harry he was far too cute for his own good but then again I did not want to open that door and be greeted with sammie going at it. I guess I would have to take the lesser of two evils. I didn’t really have much choice so I agreed.

We headed back to his car still laughing at what we had just seen. Harry’s laugh was contagious it made me want to fling myself off a building and laugh along with him all at the same time. His dimples were more pronounced and he couldn’t wipe his beautiful smile off his face. I didn’t even realise I was staring until he cleared his throat oh fuck.

He looked at me inquisitively “umm we’re here”.  


sorry for the kinda short chapter I just really need to figure how to get the story to where I want it to go. So thank you for reading

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2014 ⏰

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