Some Mistakes Can't Be Mend!!

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This vent or you call it anything that you prefer, anyway it about someone who was never ready to have sex, it was something she wanted to wait, for the right someone. but it didn't turn out the way she wanted. She let her self do it with someone she thought the one but turned out to be just someone who was just wanted to see how good she was on the bed. this is how she feels now that she realized what she has done.  

"Her room was her happy place, funny how it's one place now she wouldn't even dare to step in. The bed that she used to sleep in, pillows that she used to cuddle against as thunder hits are now something she feels disgusted to even look at. 

They are just a constant reminder of how low she went that one night, how stupid and reckless she was. Actually, she seems to be more disgusted in her self. Disappointed, angry, all those feeling seems to be just something she can't un-feel even if she tried. 

She can't forgive herself for being foolish enough to give in to her selfish desires. How she gave her self to someone who just needed to see how it felt to be in her. 

She was too immature not to know what his true intentions were. She never imagined in ever her worst nightmares that, someone could be that cruel. 

While he used her, she was just loving him. 

She went against all the odds, her beliefs, family, and everything she ever cared about. She trusted the wrong person, like a fool, never thinking twice that it could be broken in a matter of a second. 

But now what's done is done. 

No sorries, no if' or buts can change what happened. Now she is supposed to live with this feeling."

Hope you all like it... I know its short, I will try and make the next one a bit longer.

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