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Johnny G's P.O.V

I woke up to the sound of the heart moniter going off,following the rythm of my heart beat.

Johnny...Johnny wake up...

Jimmy...? What happened?

Car accident.

By the way Jimmy...did you...take over yesterday when Y/n was about to get hit by a car?



.........Fine! Yes...


.........no more questions



Screw you Jimmy! ("Screw you billy")

I sighed and sat up a little and slightly flinched at pain. My arm was covered in scratches and my leg was in a a cast. A nurse with blonde hair and slightly pale skin,walked in with a tray of food for me. "Good morning Mr. Ghost",she said to me with a soft smile. "Morning",I answerd,still slightly annoyed with Jimmy.

She handed me my tray of food and left. I ate my food and sighed. Afterwards I got a knock on my door and Y/n walked in,slightly limping and has a few scratches. She smiled at me and I smiled back at her.

Ghost followed in behind her,"Are you alright sir?",he asked. "Yes Toast". After a while I realised Jimmy hadn't done anything in ages
Jimmy? You there?
I gave up and sighed. Then someone else knocked on my door and leaned against the door frame with his arms across his chest. His hair was alot like mine but a bit darker and messier and he had red eyes...he looked fimiliar then I remembered...

HELLO MY WOLFIES. So yeah Jim Jam somehow has his own body but no-one shall know how MWAHAHAHA and yeah hope you enjoyed this tiny chapter :D so yeah boiii

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