Chapter 20

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I woke up and realized I was in the same predicament that I had been in yesterday morning. Only I had one more weapon in my arsenal this time. I simply enjoyed the sensation of all of the sparks for some time. Eventually, I sensed others in the house stirring and getting up. I turned my attention to Will. I tried to free myself, but like last time, he simply pulled me tighter to his chest. Okay, it was time for the big guns. Or at least, the biggest guns that I currently possessed in this form against my mate.

"Will. Will, wake up."

He groaned in his sleep before burying his face into my fur. My senses told me that he was still not actually awake. I continued calling him over the mindlink, "Will. Come on, the cooks have already started the pancakes." Still no response.

I grinned as I pulled up the memory of two people smiling at me; the man and woman had warmth in their eyes. I pushed that image into his mind.

I didn't expect him to come fully awake in a split second with a snarl of fury. He rolled so that his chest was above me; his arms were braced to either side of my small wolf form as he hovered over me, if anyone else had been in the room, I would have been completely blocked from their sight in this defensive position.

I blinked in shock as I noticed that his eyes were nearly solid black. Without trying, I could pick up the fury that a mate possessed if someone else showed improper interest in their mate. He realized a second later that no one else was in the room. He looked down at me, still mostly out of control.

His voice was rough and hard as he tried to hold back his snarls. "Who was he?" The demand was nearly a growl as he tried to discover who the man was, since that man had looked at me with love in his eyes.

I blinked at him, still shocked at his reaction. "Those were my parents." I re-shared the image of the two of them sitting on a bench as they watched me play in a patch of daisies as a young child.

Realization dawned on his face, and his eyes faded back to brown in his surprise. He must have been so focused on the male in the image that he hadn't noticed that the man had his arm around the lady. I apologized, "Sorry, I didn't think you would react so strongly. Nothing else I said or did got your attention."

He sighed as he rolled onto his side, finally relaxing now that the mate bond was easing up. He said, "Please wait until I am awake before doing things like that. It might be best to warn me of what you are about to do as well. Even I am having a hard time predicting my reactions. I didn't even notice that there were two people in the image the first time."

I nodded before shifting and giving him a hug. He returned it, and I pulled away as I sensed his emotions straying into areas we weren't quite ready for. Mine were also trying to escape my control. How on earth did most couples go roughly two weeks before finalizing the bond? It was the morning of the third day, and we were both having some pretty good control problems.

Will sighed as he ran his hand through his hair. I eyed up his hair discretely; I still had some weird obsession with it, and I hadn't taken my chance to play with it. I would have to rectify that tomorrow morning.

Will said, "I have a full day of training our fighters, and Tiffany is also working all day. I hate leaving you alone. You can explore the town if you like."

I tilted my head in consideration. "I have to do something for my keep as well. Would there be any problems with me going mushroom picking? I won't go far, and I will have the mindlink if I encounter any difficulties."

Will frowned in concern. "Will you be okay by yourself?"

I nodded easily. "I did it for years in no man's land without too many problems. Although if anyone crosses the trail of a cougar or bear, I would like to know so I can avoid that area."

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