Chapter 51

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I watched as the chain was finally cut. I helped to unwrap the numerous loops of chain before I was suddenly engulfed in a big hug. I was held too tightly to even hug him back.

With a light chuckle, I responded, "Will, take it easy, you are stronger than me."

His arms loosened, although he didn't release me. He buried his face in my hair and mumbled, "You have no idea how glad I am to have you in my arms again. Are you sure that you are all right?"

"Yes, I am fine."

He sighed and scooped me into his arms. I protested, "Will, put me down. What are you doing?"

He held me close to his chest. "Getting a second opinion. You probably wouldn't admit to an injury even if you did have one."

I rolled my eyes at his paranoia. "I am a runt, not some prideful fighter."

Will didn't respond as he started walking. I turned my head to look at the Alpha with pleading eyes.

Alpha Roland grinned at my expression. "Everyone else got checked by the pack doctors. So, you might as well too, especially since I hear you were running around in the forest doing who knows what."

Trevor chuckled. "What he really means, is that if he doesn't agree, Will would probably flatten him and then take you to the doctors anyways."

I chuckled despite myself; that did sound like Will when the mate bond was in overdrive. Will grumbled, "I don't even want to know how many rabbit burrows you went down today."

I raised my chin in defiance. "Just two."

He snorted in plain disbelief. "Right."

"It is the truth! The rest of the time, I was climbing trees and pretending to be a monkey!"

Will gritted his teeth as his muscles tensed. I heard the others behind us laughing at his reaction. Will glared at them over his shoulder and the noise stopped.


       The doctor poked my ribs gently as Will watched from the other side of the room. He told Will, "One or two small bruises, but they will be healed by sunset."

He pulled out a stethoscope and put it over my heart. He moved to my back and put it under my shoulder blade, listening to my lungs. He moved it lower, and Will growled as his hand went under my shirt.

The doctor glanced at him with a faint challenge in his gaze, stating, "I have my own mate waiting for me at home. If you want me to stop the exam, let me know."

Will silently fumed as he gritted his teeth. The doctor moved the scope to the middle of my back, and I felt something pique his interest and he moved the scope down to my side. He came around to the front to lift my shirt a bit to place the stethoscope on my stomach above my belt.

"Well, congratulations on the new addition to your family."

I blinked in surprise at his words; how had he discovered that? I would have thought their heartbeats would have been too quiet to detect yet.

Will was confused and asked, "What do you mean?" Will's eyes suddenly widened. "Wait, are you saying..."

The doctor smiled and nodded. "She can't be far along since I can barely hear the heartbeat, but you are going to be a father."

Will jumped up with a whoop before picking me up and spinning in a circle. Well, there went all of the surprise planning I had been working on... The doctor shook his head at Will's over-exuberance. "Easy with her, she isn't a ragdoll."

Will put me down, although he held me close to his side as he quickly asked, "Is the child okay?"

The doctor nodded calmly. "There is no sign of a blow or injury to the stomach, and she didn't get hit with any of the tranquilizer, so they are both fine. Come back for an ultrasound in three weeks or so. She is still able to exercise, but just keep her from anything really strenuous."

Will looked down at me with a grin. "That means no more trips down rabbit holes or climbing into trees. Your days of pretending to be a rabbit or monkey are over for quite some time."

I grinned at him. "You should just be glad that I never particularly wanted to try flying like a bird."

Will shook his head muttering,"You are going to be the death of me one day..."    

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