Chapter One

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Chapter One

It just takes a small incident or just a sentence which becomes the reason for life to spiral down  to the depths of misery. It was the same for Selena, standing here in the forest and watching her love cheating on her with her very own eyes felt too much for her. Her eyes stung from holding in the tears and her lungs constricted due to the lack of oxygen in them. She couldn't believe Peter was cheating on her with Susan; she wanted to act naïve and think that it was Susan who was forcing herself upon him. But anyone with two eyes could see and understand that he was not a victim but he himself was kissing her back with the same fervor. She stumbled backward causing a twig to break under her foot. This caused the couple in front of her to break apart, each one holding a shocked and guilty expression on their faces. This broke her even more as the guilt on their faces proved that what she was thinking was right and that this was not the first time it happened. Peter came forward and opened his mouth to say something but she held up her hand and shook her head. She couldn't find her voice to speak; she looked at him directly in his eyes to convey what she wanted to say. He stopped in his tracks, she turned and bolted away from there because at that specific moment she couldn't find anything else better than that. She ran without any direction, her heart felt like it would come out of her chest. Her eyes stung because of the tears, the path became glassy and blurred. In that moment she regretted falling in love with Peter. She should've kept her guard up when it came to him but she let her barriers down and let him in. She was the reason for her own misery and vulnerability.

She pumped her leg faster in whatever direction it took her. She just wanted to run away from everything. Her breaths were coming out in pants; she didn't know if it was because of running or heartbreak. She remembered the times she had spent with Peter. The first time when he asked her out, their first kiss, their first date, the time he had confessed his love for her. All that ended in just seconds. Her tears fell from her eyes, she couldn't hold them back in because Peter was the most important thing in her life. Her life revolved around him, whenever she was sad he cheered her up. If she had a bad day he would make her forget it. He would know what she wanted to say, what she was thinking, if she was sad or happy just by looking at her eyes. She never had to lay out everything in the open for him, he just knew what went in her mind. In their two years of relationship he never made her cry, this was the first time she cried over him, when everything that was in between them was over. That made her cry harder, she lost Peter to someone else. Her fear had come true and now she didn't know how she would face them in school. That brought another series of thoughts in her already worked out mind, she was supposed to be near the camp with her school friends. If anyone found out she had been wandering in the forest alone she would face consequences. She wiped her tears and looked around, she was far away from the camp and lost in the forest. She didn't know how she would find her way back. She looked around the forest and found herself comparing to this forest. It was cold and empty much like what she was  from the inside at the moment. She walked ahead, she didn't know for how long she was walking. But she kept up, her legs and every other body part felt numb to her, except her heart, for it was still hurting. She could feel it shattering inside her and knew that it would stay like that.

She walked a bit more when she saw a distant light, the air smelt more like burnt coal to her now than leaves and wood. As she picked up her pace the smell of the leaves and dried soil gradually receded and the smell of burnt coal became more prominent. She knew that she was heading closer to the roads and as soon as she was on the road she could call anyone and tell them where she was, because her cell phone wasn't catching any signal here on the forest. She locked away every feeling of hurt and misery inside her and masked her face with a blank look. She didn't want Peter and his new love interest to think it affected her. She refused to give them the satisfaction of seeing her hurt and miserable. It was one thing for her to be hurt and full of misery but it was another thing for her to show she was miserable to people because  that would just make her more vulnerable.

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