An Introduction

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Floating in the lonely and vast vacuum of space, I laid there, feeling empty and lost about what has happened, and what is currently happening. This is the story of how I died... This is the story of how I became the Glitch.

You're probably wondering who I am! Well, I am Glitch as I call myself. Just this phenomenon who isn't supposed to still be existent yet I still exist as the image of anonymity itself! You could say I'm a nobody, yet I am everyone, but at the same time, I have nothing yet I have everything! I know! Crazy! Yet very dull.

You guys all know what a glitch is right? A sudden, usually, and I mean usually temporary (which in my case it isn't temporary) malfunction or irregularity... Yes, that's what I am, a permanent malfunction in this whole existence's system that just suddenly appeared out of nowhere, I mean I'm supposed to be dead yet I'm still here as, well, as all this!

As for personality-wise, I'm hedonistic, probably masochistic, mischievous, cynical, and arrogant! Not to mention a very chill kind of character, and a very flirty fellow nudge nudge wink wink. As for my abilities? They're beyond god-like I mean at this rate I can do everything so simply just like that, but I hate when it's just way too simple, I mean, create, alternate, and destroy everything and everyone? being able to do that in a blink of an eye? It's way too simple for me, and not to mention very VERY boring. And you know that stereotypical glitch animation? That's how I teleport. My eyes never lie, I can see the codes of the DNA of everything and everyone, including their abilities and skills, etc. I can technically read, and scan knowledge on the go! Reading people's memories, thoughts, seeing through their clothes (oh how I grow ecstatic of doing that), you know all that kind of stuff. Oh and I forgot to mention I can alter my physical appearance, gender, voice patterns, and well literally everything about myself as well. I can even blow myself up if I wanted to! But I'll just re-spawn because my spiritual, non-existent, somewhat like a ghost self is still existent... I can't die!

How did I become a god-like being like myself? Well let's move on with the story, shall we!

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