Chapter Six

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"Did you win? " Oakpaw was right beside Shadepaw  as soon as she entered camp.

"Yeah, we drove those frog hearts out" Shadepaw meowed.

"You're hurt!" Oakpaw said. Shadepaw shrugged.

"It's not that bad" she responded. Oakpaw gave her a look but she said nothing.

"Shadepaw, you should see Aspenberry" Mistyflame meowed.

"I will later, others are more injured than I am" Shadepaw  meowed in response. She noticed Stormfall and Badgerclaw talking to Stonestar. Oakpaw smiled.

"You're so strong" Oakpaw nuzzled her. Shadepaw rolled her eyes. Stonestar jumped up onto the small stump.

"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey, gather around for a clan meeting" Stonestar yowled. Everyone gathered below, while Stormfall pulled Shadepaw  aside. Graywhisker did the same with Oakpaw. "In celebration of winning the battle, I have a duty to perform." Stonestar said and he nodded to Stormfalland Graywhisker. Stormfall pushed Shadepaw  forward.

"I, Stonestar, leader of ShadowClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this Apprentice. She has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend her to you as a Warrior in her turn."

"Shadepaw, do you promise to uphold the Warrior Code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?" Stonestar asked and Shadepaw  looked up in astonishment. She was becoming a warrior today?!

"I do." Shadepaw  meowed softly, then she cleared her throat. "I do." She said louder this time

"Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your Warrior name. Shadepaw from this moment you will be known as Shadeflower. StarClan honors your strength, your bravery and your determination, and we welcome you as a full warrior of ShadowClan." Stonestar then rests his muzzle on the Shadeflower's head, and she  licked his shoulder in return. Stonestar beckoned for Oakpaw to come forward. Oakpaw was wide eyed.

"I, Stonestar, leader of ShadowClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this Apprentice. She has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend her to you as a Warrior in her turn."

"Oakpaw, do you promise to uphold the Warrior Code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?" Stonestar asked and Oakpaw looked up in excitement .

"I do." Oakpaw meowed proudly.

"Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your Warrior name. Oakpaw from this moment you will be known as Oakbriar. StarClan honors your loyalty, your honesty, and your perseverance, and we welcome you as a full warrior of ShadowClan." Stonestar then rests his muzzle on the Oakbriar head, and Oakbriar licked his shoulder in return.

"Shadeflower! Shadeflower! Oakbriar! Oakbriar!" The clan cheered for the new warriors. Shadeflower sat there proudly next to her sister. Stormfall and Graywhisker approached their apprentices. Shadeflower touched noses with Stoneshadow. Graywhisker did the same with Oakbriar.

"I'm so proud of you" Graywhisker told Oakbriar. The brown tabby shecat nodded.

"Thank you" Oakbriar replied. Stormfall held his head high.

"You have done so well, Shadeflower. I am beyond proud of you" He purred proudly. "You will be a great warrior, I know it." Shadeflower nodded in response. Her pelt was hot in embarrassment.

"Don't forget, you have a vigil tonight" Stonestar told them.

"We won't." Oakbriar meowed. Shadeflower meowed in agreement.

(Warriors) 🌹Flower In The Shadows🌹 Volume I: ✳Dark Seeds✳Where stories live. Discover now