I cant pass on...

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I watched her go home after school. I noticed her friend wasn't walking with her. Weird, they've always walked to get her since that girl moved here. (y/n) got to the street light and waited to pass. I floated next to her pretending she could see me and kinda holding her hand.

When the light turned green weave our way home. Not the most exciting day. "Walking home alone?" I knew that voice! Shit! Her head snapped into the direction of the voice. It was her bully and their friends. Before she could run one of them grabbed her back pack and pulled her back. "Hey stop it, please," she pleated for mercy. "You know the routine. Money, then maybe you can go," her bully smirked popping their knuckles. She emptied her pockets. 3 pounds.

"Is that it?!" They said unconvinced. "Yes, I don't carry much anymore," she said tears forming in her eyes. "Well looks like you have to pay the tole," they smirk while the others agreed.  They surrounded her. "(y/n) run!!" I yelled but she was frozen in fear. Before I could think of anything else they started to beat her up.

"STOP IT!!" I screamed but no one heard. I covered her body with mine but the punches went thought me. I cried as I screamed for them to stop. I wasn't enough. "Help!" She screamed over and over. The bullies wouldn't stop. They kicked her down. "PLEASE GOD!!!" I cried as loud as I could!


Time froze for a split second when I heard the sirens. The bullies ran off and I was there trying to hold my world, whom collapsed to the floor. My tears couldn't stop. My eyes reddened and my nose became stuffy. That ugly cry that makes it hard to breath...

Before long the sky cried with me as we rode in the ambulance to the hospital. All I could do what lay my hand gently on hers. "Please be ok (y/n)," I whispered. I was soon in the waiting room alone with my thoughts. "I couldn't do anything... I'm so worthless," I sighed staring at the repetitive carpet pattern. I looked at the bland wall paper and talked to myself. "Who said ok, back there? I could have sworn someone heard me. Who was it..."

"It was me."

I scrambled to my feet and looked around. Nothing.... was I hearing things.

"Dan look up."

My head snapped up and there was a guy in a lion shirt, black skinny jeans, and he was floating above him. "Who are you," Dan asked when he landed next to him. "I'm God, but you can call me Phil," he smiled brightly.

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