Dream #4

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Helloooo! Dammit I rarely have dreams (AntisocialButterfly- that's the only time I said it in the right way so don't expect me to say it like that again *evil laugh* sorry)



I was living a different life (I even was a different person). I was 15 years old btw. The only same things my life there had with my real life is that I had the same family and I was living in the same house.

So I was a popular guy at school (lol weird) and had a lot of friends. But my bffs were only 3 boys.

I was going out A LOT. I'M NOT EVEN AN EXTROVERT IRL WTF. Anyway so yeah I was outgoing, confident, popular, like.... I was a whole other person... different appearance AND different personality.

And in the whole dream I was just living everyday moments which I don't even remember now because they're not even important so..

So my grandparents in my dream were really sick and old (also they were living next door) and they didn't really have much time left.

OH I ALSO HAD A COUSIN, she was 13 years old, blonde with blue eyes and she was living with my family and me.

And because my grandparents didn't have much time left, my family, my cousin and I were going to visit them but for an unknown reason, only my cousin could visit them, idk why the rest of us couln't.

So then I wasn't seeing what I was doing in my dream but what my cousin was doing when she visited my grandparents.

My grandparents were laying on their beds that are right next to each other. My cousin was holding my grandfather's hand and he said to her:

"Go out and live your life, why do you stay here? Go out, live your life and be happy, you have so many things to do." Yeah smth like that and then my cousin replied:

"No, I'll stay here. I am happy that I am with you guys right here, right now. And I'll make these few moments here with you the best!" She said and then a tear slided (?) down her face. And you know... she said that because.. well.. they were slowly dying.

That's when my dream ended

Just so you know, my grandparents in my dream weren't either like my real ones, same thing with my cousin.

And omg I loved that dream...

Byee! :')

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