Dream #5

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Heyyyy guess what!

You: *sees the title* oh again?

Me: Yes  >_>  Do you mind?  >_>
        *pulls out knife*

You: N-no.... i-it's good

Me: YAY!  ^_^

Idek I'm really random sometimes

I'll just head to the dream xD

Ok so, I was in school, ready to leave for home and I normally wait for my friends so we walk home together. But in my dream, I just left alone. But instead of going home, I went to some abandoned schools idek that looked spooky af.

There, I found 2 guy friends of mine that I don't even know them irl. So we were just hanging out in these abandoned schools like it was something normal to do  xD

So then after like 1 hour or smth idk, we found a "museum" that it was actually a HUGE, dark mansion that once belonged to a princess or smth many centuries ago.

And IN LIKE 1 SECOND, day turned into night dek how  xD. We saw then 2 men running out of the mansion TERRIFIED but we just shrugged it off like what? Are we stupid or smth?

Then a scary ghost girl with black hair and a white dress (ofc  -_-) exited the mansion and I just left NOT because I was terrified but just cause  xD
I even left my friends behind. Lol I am such a good friend.

So then there was a different scene. I had a free period in school. And I don't even know why, but NOBODY was hanging out/talking with me. So yeah I was alone! So fun!  xD

So I was kiiinda sad about that so I went to the vice-prinicipal's office (she is the best person ever and all students feel close to her). I told her that I am alone and nobody wants me to hang out with them.

At the same time, Phillip (crush) had a free period too and he was with his friend John outside the office. So the vice-principal told me to hang out with those two.

And inside me bitches... I was having a heart attack xD
So I just exited the office, walked casually towards them and said hi. I wasn't awkward which was weird.

So yeah we 3 were hanging out but I wasn't talking much because you know, shyness. Plus, I'm a quiet person.

AND AT ONE TIME BITCHES, John and Phillip hugged. John's back was facing me and Phillip's face was facing me. So I just looked Phillip in the eyes while they were hugging AND HE FUCKIN SMILED AT ME!  :D

That was like the ultimate heart attack  xD

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand! I even walked back home with them like omg. But I'm not sure if I hugged Phillip when we exchanged "bye"s.....


SO YEAH THAT WAS IT! It was just amazing like wow. And weird in the beginning  xD

So yeahhhhh... I guess byeee!

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