How they meet!!!

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 once upon a time there was a princess and It was a cold cold night and all the people in the little village were sleep and everybody was dreaming it was so peaceful and then princess woke up she heard a noice and it was outside on the window so she snuck outside and she saw  a boy so she ran to the boy the boy didint quite notice her until she saud hi the man juped up as she was about to explain herself so she said wait wait wait,who are you the man said im prince charming the princess exhauled i was looking for a prince  and the prince said i was looking for a princess so she asked the prince why were you on my window oh sorry i ran away because my dad wouldnt let me find the perfect princess oh she said thats why i have to find me a home so i found your house so i thought i could rest a little well you can stay one night the princess said but after that you have to leave.They got eachothers  names the prince name was prince charming she said what a lovely name princesss said my name is princesss annabeth so they both got eachothers number and then they talked until they heard the door prince chariming said is that your door princesss annabeth said yes uh oh  u better leave it was to late princesss annnabeth father came out said who are you talking to she said my true prince the father said no come in but then princess said but we cant just leave him out here its to cold princees annabeth said just one night dad just on night so princesss annabeths dad said ok only one they all came in and  then princess fathers showed him to his room which was far away from prinesss annabeth room ,so through the night it was very the next moring i got up and i heard this noise in the kitchen i put my clothes on and bedroom splippers and rushed to the kitchen and it was dad and my true prince fusing i said stoppppp and they stopped i asked them what was the fuse all about?prince lets sit down and talk about it so we got some coffee and we talked about it and it was all about staying one more night ,princess annabeth said we will give you some money but you have to leave though the prince said i will leave at noon they agerred on noon so they ate there breakfast .So it was noon and the prince was packing his stuff he gave one last goodbye it was hard for him to leave but he left so he walked for about 30 minutes but the princess couldnt live without seeing him she told her dad see needed to got o the store but really se wasnt going the store she was chasing after her true prince it took her 15 minutes to find him and she finally comfronted that she loved him he said i love you tooo and he already planned to get married to her.So they drove off but aventuallt the princess dad fond them and he said whatever if yall like eachother then get marries they had 3 children and lived and happply ever after!

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