Chapter 2.

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Jael had left Aya in that cell for what seemed like forever, not knowing she had been locked up and chained up for two weeks. His goal was to break her fighting spirit so that she would never try to flee from him once he let her out to start working for and pleasing him.

As Aya laid in the cell though. All she could think about was getting free even when he came to visit her and she would act as if she was bending to his will and ready to be let out. But he wouldn't release her from the cell until everything was in place. That meant that she must be prepared properly to be his slave.

Throughout the two weeks, Aya was branded a tattoo on her left arm to show to everyone that she was an owned slave. The pain of the hot, black coal covered iron was so powerful that even after it was off of her body she fell unconscious. The tattoo was treated later on with medicine and bandages to keep it from becoming infected. Aya was also whipped once or twice so that she would become accustom to the pain of punishment if she ever stepped out of line or tried to escape.

Finally after enduring all of the torturous punishments and marking. Aya was released from the cell and brought upstairs. The day started out like any other normal day with her waking up, covered more in dirt and nasty water that dripped from the ceiling from the pipes every time Jael took a bath.

Aya hated being here, not being able to move from her spot on the floor. She had been forced to lay on her right side no matter what because of how the cold and heavy chains restricted her. Her body ached and throbbed, her head felt dizzy and her stomach growled. She had only been fed once a day to keep her strength down from fighting against them in any way possible, which was a good idea because she probably would've bit off a nose or finger if she had the strength.

Sleep was the only thing that brought her any peace so of course she spent most of the day and night asleep but just as she was drifting off, the heavy wooden door she often heard when Jael would come visit her, opened and two sets of heavy footsteps came down the stairs with a lantern in the hand of one of the large guards. The light caused Aya to squint and cover her eyes, only hearing the cell door open and a man walk over to unchain her.

"Come on Princess. It's your lucky day, time to get you out of this cell."

She knew this man's voice. It was Gerald. He was one of the nicer guards, he sometimes even came downstairs to sit with her sometimes when it was his turn to take night watch over the cells.

His grip on her body was firm but also soft in a way as if he was trying not to break her, knowing she was weak and probably very unstable to stand on her own. Which was correct because as soon as she stood on her feet, Aya stumbled and almost fell forward but was soon caught by strong arms.

"Hurry up Gerald. Let the little slave walk on her own, we have orders to carry out and I'd like to get them done quickly." 

The other guard annoyingly barked his words at Gerald who then scoffed and glared at the annoyed guard.

"She's been laying in a cell for weeks, she hasn't used her legs and she's barely been fed, if she doesn't have someone to steady her then she'll never make it up the stairs and we'll be here even longer. Do you want that? No? Okay. Then shut ya pie hole."

Aya was utterly confused as the annoyed guard walked off to head up the stairs and open the door for them. Her eyes shifted up to Gerald but before she could speak. He leaned down to slide his arm under her knees and keep one hand on her upper back to lift her up bridal style.

"I'll help you up the stairs Aya. You'll be able to walk and move easier when you get some food into you."

He smiled softly at her then headed out of the cell and up the stairs.


The bright light of the house and the sunlight shining through the windows was almost unbearable for Aya's eyes. She tried to cover her eyes but in a way it only made it worse so she let her eyes adjust to the bright light while Gerald carried her through the house and straight into the kitchen.

The smell of all of the food being cooked and prepared made her absolutely drool while her stomach began to growl like crazy.

"Get me a lot of food for this young girl. She needs it."

Gerald spoke as he sat her down at the small table in the corner of the kitchen which was often used for guards and the cooks to eat on, and just as he ordered, a few moments later the cooks brought over plates of meat, vegetables and fruit to sit in front of Aya with a large container of water. She wasted no time and began to devour the food, finishing each plate one by one while downing the water as well.

Gerald stood there and watched, letting out a soft chuckle while she continued to eat.

"I've never seen a little girl as ya self eat so much food at once but I wasn't expecting much more seeing as ya have been starved for weeks."

She looked up at him while eating the grapes that were now in front of her. She swallowed then coughed before speaking.

"Why did he decide to free me? Is he going to let me go?"

Gerald sighed.

"No darling he's not going to let you go. He's decided that you're broken enough to let ya out of your cell to begin serving him as the slave he wants you to be. It was my job to bring you up and get you fed, bathed and dressed."

Aya lowered her head as she fought to hold back her tears. Of course he wasn't going to free her, maybe all that time in the cell has ruined her brain. She'd never get free or see her family again.

The food in front of her became more and more unappetizing enough for her to push the plate away and mumble her words.

"I'm ready to be prepared.."

Gerald saw the utter defeat and sadness on her face. It caused him heart break to see how much this girl knew her fate. But nonetheless, he helped her up to take her to the bathroom so that she could bathe herself and after she was done, he walked with her to another room where a woman was waiting to help Aya get fitted into her slave outfit.

Aya couldn't bring herself to look in the mirror to see how much her appearance had changed but curiosity got the better of her and once she was done being dressed she lifted her head to see her fully body in the mirror. The color of her rosy cheeks was faded and her body looked absolutely skinny and sickly. The dark circles under her eyes made her gasp as much as the outfit she was wearing did. She had never worn such a short dress that showed so much skin, it was appalling, disgusting and not something a respectable lady should wear. But she wasn't a respectable lady anymore, she was a slave. Forced against her will into the shackles of greed and lust.

Jael had lusted after her ever since they met one night a banquet her father had thrown.

She wished she never met this wretched man! How could anyone be this cruel?!

It was then that Aya began to break down crying the same way she had the first time she woke up in the cell. Her sobbing was no louder than a whisper though, not wanting anyone to hear her as she cried.

In the midst of all of the crying and snotting and heart break, Aya lifted her head to stare once again, into the mirror at the sickly person staring back at her. She then vowed to herself that no matter what, she would escape this place!

A soft knock came from the door.

"Miss...Jael is requesting your services. Now."

Gerald seemed sad while he said it but Aya didn't focus on that, she now had burning determination in her eyes. She quickly wiped the tears from her face before turning to open the door and smile at Gerald softly.

"I'm ready."

He nodded at her and lead her straight towards Jael's study.

To be continued..~

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