Chapter 1. The Beginning of the End

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Aya was a beautiful young girl with the softest of pink lips and eyes that seemed to shine silver. Her skin was the perfect shade of tan and white, her cheeks a rosy color without the need for make up, and all of the beautiful features of her face were framed by the long dark brown hair she had.

Aya was also born into the third richest family in Ireland which made her an even more treasure to have, and even though her heritage is Irish, her accent isn't as thick as her other siblings or parents from the studying she did in the Americas when she was 12 as a show of good friendships between her family and the American family, The Smith Family, that wanted Aya and their oldest son, James, to marry when Aya turned 18.

Now...Years later. Aya was close to her 18th birthday and becoming more and more prepared for the married life, knowing she'd in a year, be a new mother and new wife if things went according to plan.

All of it honestly made her sick to her stomach most of the time. She often left wedding preparations with her mother and soon to be mother in law, to catch her breath in the garden or spending time with her favorite horse that she had since it was born.

Little did she know that preparing for a wedding would be the least of her worries..-


It was a warm summer day when Aya, sickened by the pressure of wedding dresses, stepped away to take a walk even though her father highly protested against it seeing as it was getting darker outside but Aya insisted that fresh air would help with the stomach aches she was feeling so he allowed it, against his better judgement.

She wasn't going to take that long of a walk anyways. She personally didn't like the dark. She hadn't since she was a child so maybe a short walk around the block would help her enough so she wouldn't be stuck in the dark, at all.

As she walked..and walked the stomach ache began to feel better but something else was causing her body to tense up, something that she couldn't see or feel and just as soon she started to feel it, she rounded a corner and ran straight into a man, the button on his suit causing a red mark to appear on her face, almost as if it was a cut.

Aya blinked and looked at the man after taking a step back. Happily she has known this man. He often visited from three towns over. He was also wealthy, more than her own family actually. His features were kind of bony and skeleton like though and she sometimes, easily, caught him eyeing her and her body which she brushed off because all men admired the way she looked.

"Hello there Aya. It's a surprise to see you out here at a dim hour. Is everything alright?"

He stared down at her with a small yet creepy smile, concern for the girl could easily be seen in his eyes.

"Yes Sir. Thank you for your concern Jael but it is just wedding preparations jitters. I should be fine with some fresh air. I should be heading back soon though. My mother will wonder where I've gone off to."

Aya smiled, her nerves tense and a cringe feeling going up her spine but she casually hid it while looking at him.

He nodded his head at her before speaking.

"Of course dear. Weddings are nervous things but I'm sure you'll do fine. You should scamper on now. It's too dangerous out here at these times for a pretty girl like you."

He smiled at her again as she turned around to head back the way she came since it was the quickest way back home and the safest, especially from him.

Once she was out of arms reach of him though, she picked up her pace and rounded the same corner she did earlier when she bumped into him but instead of bumping into a man she knew, this time she bumped into two men that were built like brick walls, at least that's what she thought before everything went


The sounds of chains and dripping water was the noises she woke up to, she wasn't fully able to open her eyes yet so she laid there on what seemed to be a cold and wet stone floor. Was she in some sort of basement? Was she kidnapped? Wait. Jael was there, maybe he saw who did this and tell the authorities. She'd be saved soon.

That thought was soon dimmed when she began to move her arms and feet, only to feel like all four of her limbs had gained weight, she felt sluggish when she tried to lift them. It then struck her.

She was in chains!!

Aya's eyes shot open and she lifted up to stare down at the chains that were clamped around her ankles and wrist.

Oh god. She had been kidnapped. She was gonna be forced into the slave rings she had only heard stories about. No no no! How could this happen to her. She should've of heeded her father's warnings and stayed home!

Aya was panicking more and more until she heard the slight tap of well polished shoes on the hard floor.

"H-Hello?? Is anyone there! Somebody please help me I don't belong here!"

She pleaded for help but soon stopped at the deep and evil chuckles from the man standing outside the cell.

The man lifted his lantern to expose who he was and as he did, he only chuckled more.

"No one is going to hear you my dear Aya..You are finally all mine.."

Slowly she squinted her eyes at the man before they opened wide with shock, a gasp escaping her pink but gravel covered lips.

"J-Jael?! What are you doing?! I belong to no one and I demand to be released!"

"That won't be happening my dear. See. You are mine now and will be my servant. You best get comfortable here because you are NEVER leaving!"

He began to laugh again before turning and exiting the room, the light of the lantern going along with him to leave Aya in the darkness to once again, only hear the chains scratching against the floor and the dripping water of the leaky ceiling.

This was how her life was going to be now. There was no way to escape, he had made very sure that she couldn't and she didn't even know where she was anymore or if she'd ever see her family again.

She felt utterly defeated and helpless while locked in the cell, the chains cold and rough against her skin as she slowly laid down on her side. Tears escaping her eyes and dripping onto the floor as she laid there wishing that wedding problems were all she had to worry about...

To be Continued..~

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