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It was a cold day in Snowdin. More than the other days. But Gaster didn't notice that; he was in Hotlatnd. Of course he didn't notice, but Grillby... oh my! He noticed it as hell! Even if he was working, he was feeling really cold. Even if he was entirely made of fire, fire elementals can feel cold too. He wished so hard that Gaster can finish his stuff at the CORE. Then, he can come there and warm he up.
Well... what was he thinking about? The great Royal Scientist can never love him. He was just a bartender. He was nobody compared to the scientist. But... deep, inside his soul; he was still hoping. He was hoping that Gaster, maybe, can love him. But he had to forget his secret love: a customer was calling.

-meanwhile in Hotlatnd-

Gaster was finishing the CORE. He was everywhere and nowhere. Everyone needed his presence, now here in the North East. Now there in the South West.
He wished really much to be with his sons. Sans and Papyrus. Unfortunately, his job keeps him away from them for a long time a day. After all, he was the only genius of the whole Underground. No one can replace him.
Many times, he thought to leave his job, but then, who can do all the things he can do? No one can; exactly.
Finally he finished his work there, and our dear Scientist was going to Snowdin with River Person's help.
When finally he has arrived, he went to his home to meet his sons.

*little time skip because I'm lazy*

It was bedtime and Sans and Papyrus didn't want to go to bed. - Come on children! Dad is really tired today; he needs to rest! - then go to sleep daddy - Sans answered. Papyrus chuckled at the answer that his brother gave; at least Gaster had the chance to get them and, after he picked up the skele-bros, put both to bed.
When the two fell asleep, he went to Grillby's to drink a little.
When he arrived it was something like eleven, near to the close time. He sat up at the bar and greeted Grillby - Hi Grillby. How is it going? - A cold day. Did you feel something in Hotlatnd? - Of course not. - After an embarrassing silence, finally Grillby asked - what can I give to you? - The usual thanks -
During the drink, or the drinks, the two of them chatted. Nothing really interesting to be honest, work, family, things for dads.
Now, it was half past midnight; half hour after closing time.
Gaster was totally drunk, and Grillby totally embarrassed. He was trying to not kiss Gaster "he won't remember tomorrow" Grillby was thinking. But the bartender wanted a real kiss from him, a kiss that he will remember for his whole life.
- Gril... lby... - Yes Gas? - I... was... thinking. - the scientist said standing up, just to fall again. - Tell me - Grillby encouraged Gaster to talk, with the curiosity of a little pup - There is a monster... you know... and I love him... - Oh... you can talk to me if you want...- his heart shattered - He's beautiful, and very smart... but I don't...- the scientist was interrupted by a hiccup - know if he loves me too... I am - another hiccup - very worried... he is very cool, and I don't know how to say him "I love you" - It was officially the worst day of the whole Grillby's life. "Why? Who is this monster? Why did he captured Gaster's soul when I messed up?" He asked to himself. "Maybe, if he is drunk; he will tell me." - And... who is... this monster? - Gaster was more unconscious than he thought. - Can... you keep a secret? - Of course. I can. - His name... is as beautiful as him. His name is Grillby... I don't know how to say... that I love you Grillby... - Gaster... YOU'RE NOT DRUNK! - Grillby shouted. He was... actually acting? "OhmyGodOhmyGodOhmyGod" the bartender was hipervantilating. "What... what does he think about me now?" Gaster was chuckling; "of course that I am weird. Nothing else." Finally Gaster spoke. - What are you thinking about? - I...  really really don't know what to say... - Then shut up and kiss me silly! - Gaster pulled himself to Grillby's face and kissed him. It was the best kiss that both ever gave. - That was... - Grillby started - Pretty amazing. Wasn't it? - yeah... so... now. What are we? A couple? - I think so. - Gaster answered. - I think so...-

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