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Today is 31 October. Today is Halloween. And today Sans and Papyrus decided to hold a Halloween party, without saying it to their brother, Gaster.
He found himself in his living room chatting with friends dressed up as a skeleton (with a bit of make up too, offered by Mettaton who was dressed up as a ghost).
Gaster was enjoying the time, even though he felt something no someone was missing.
One, two, thr- argh! One, two... ! He wasn't able to count the people in the room with all those noises and due to the fact that everyone was dancing and moving.
The 'skeleton' decided to go to his bathroom to relax for a second. Seeing his reflect on the mirror made him cringe, he then removed the make up and the white wig he had on, revealing his dark hair.
He stared at the nothingness between him and the wall for an eternity.
When he got again control of himself, he decided that the bathroom was now too small for him.
So pushing aside everyone on his way, he made it to the front door and exited.
On the stairs in front of the door he found an old friend of his, Ilay, smoking while looking at the moon.
"The party annoyed you?" He asked without a real reason, just to break the silence; "Yeah... Pretty much." Gaster admitted to Ilay, he didn't know why; but he needed someone to talk to. The only problem was that the one he wanted there with him... Well wasn't there.
Ilay trew away the cigarette and looked at Gaster "Dude, I feel ya missin' something. Tell Ilay what's the deal" the answer was just so clear "I miss Grillby" the 'skeleton' admitted. "Well then" Ilay grabbed Gaster's hand and started to run toward the city; only to stop in front of a small palace.
Grillby's place.
"Ok. I brought ya here. Now just go to your boyfriend and tell him everything" he said while smirking. Gaster just blushed madly and complained "He... HE IS NOT MY BOYFRIEND! even if I wish he was..." The student said to his fellow (and weird) friend, whispering the last part of course.
Gaster went into the palace to reach Grillby's flat. Ilay went back to the party to flirt a bit with every girl who was able to breath.
When Gaster knocked at the door, a glorious guy with red hair in his pajamas opened it. "Oh! Gaster... hi, I guess. I thought you were at the party... y'know... like, everyone's there... But Hey! What are you waiting for? Please come in!"
Gaster entered the room and sat on the couch; Grillby sat too and they started chatting for a bit, until he asked the questio why are you here?
The guy dressed up as a skeleton just wanted to answer: I'm here for you dumb! But he thought it was a bit rude, so instead he just said "I wanted to spend time with my best friend".
After saying that he mentally face palmed. Great! We didn't even talked for an hour and he already managed to hit the friendzone!
While in the meantime Grillby was thinking awesome! A minute that we're talking and I already managed to hit the friendzone without even confessing my feelings to him!
Grillby then decided it was time -Now or never- he was repeating it in his head.
"Well... I bet my brothers are looking for me... I should be going. Bye Grill-" he enterrupted him just at the right moment "NO GASTER WAIT! There's... something ... I must tell you. You see... in all these years we knew each other... I developed feelings for you. Very strong feelings. But I understand if you see me just as friend, and I won't force you to love me. Hope you don't mind this... This. Goodbye Gaster."
Grillby said all in once, Gaster was a bit shocked, but relived that his best friend was also his soulmate.
He ran back from the door to Grillby and hugged him repeating "I love you too..." crying tears of joy.
They spent the rest of the night watching movies cuddled together under the sheets, already planning what to do for Christmas.

------Just a fee words-----
Ilay is my OC. Still without a story I know.
I still suck at writing endings so please be gentle.
Stay determined everyone!

Grillster one shots♡ {requests open}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora