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Grillby was a little flame, always bullied, without reasons. And, even if everyone hated that  monster, no one has ever done anything.
It was a Monday, and it was lunch time, Grillby was in a little table all alone, without friends. Everyone dodges him, fearing the bullies. I mean, no one wants to be bullied right? No one has ever had the courage to protect Grillby.
But, one day, things changed : Gaster, a little and brave skeleton, once protect Grillby. He fought for his new friend, and from that moment, they become besties.
But, after a month, Gaster started to avoid Grillby, the little flame didn't know why, all what he knew was that he was very sad, he was missing Gaster a lot. He was feeling his soul empty now. He wanted to ask Gaster why, why he was leaving him alone again, but he never found the bravery.
And, the last year of elementary school, he found it. He came up to Gaster and asked him - Gaster? Why? Why are you leaving me? Why are you avoiding me like the others? What did I do wrong? Why are you angry with me? - the skeleton looked at him with sadness in his eye sockets - And, for ask me this, it took you a year? - Grillby was starting to cry(*). Then he shouted at him - SERIOUSLY?! THIS IS YOUR ANSWER? JUST TELL ME! WHY? WHY DID YOU LEFT ME LIKE THE OTHERS? WHY DId you... - his sobbing was  suffocating him. Gaster was scared, he holds his hand to calm him and, when Grillby calmed himself; Gaster left.
They didn't see each other for all the middle school.
They met again at high school. Gaster moved home, so he changed school too. He never forgot Grillby, he was so sad when he had to left him. He didn't want to hurt his feelings; he just wanted to keep him safe. After he started to protect Grillby, the bullies started to attack him. And they told him that, if he told anyone something they would started to beat Grillby again. Of course he didn't want that. So he kept it for himself. He was just protecting his love. But at the same time, he hurted him.
Luckily the teachers put him in the same class of Grillby. Gaster was really happy. Sadly Grillby  wasn't feeling the same way.
After school, they finally spoke.
Grillby asked - what do you want to me Gaster? What want the most popular monster from me? - Your forgiveness, and your love. - Oh! So that's it! Before you leave me, then you ask for my LOVE?! YOU'RE NOT MAKING ANY SENSE! Do you even know it!? - Grillby was freaking out. - I know. But please. Let me tell you the truth. - Gaster was very calm, or at least, he was pretending to be. He explained Grillby the truth and his reaction was predictable - You are lying! Those are just stupid lies! - How can I make you forgive me?! - now, Gaster was totally desperate too. In a burst of courage, Gaster took Grillby's face and kissed him.
- Do you believe me know?! - No...- Gaster's souls was shattering into milioni of pieces. - I love you too...- they hugged and kissed again.
The high school sounds really better now!

(*) Deal with it \_(^.^)_/

Grillster one shots♡ {requests open}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora