Me: *doesn't die from awkwardness* Finally!

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So I have minor anxiety, and what I mean by that is I still stress like crazy and worry about every little thing I say or do but I don't have panic attacks or anything too severe.

Well today, I had to two major things: meet with a councilor to decide my classes for high school next year, and present a power point in health class.

(Last year, I moved schools and I feel like I've been doing better with the whole talking in front of people thing.)

I got called down during fourth period and let me say: I. Am. Proud. As. Fuck. I didn't stutter or feel like crying or anything. I talked it out, chose my classes and I felt like a boss.

Then in fifth period, I was one of the last people to present today because the teacher was calling us up alphabetically. I presented, and again: I. Am. Proud. As. Fuck.

Sure I wasn't the most confident in the world--I never am. But I didn't panic or speak to quietly. I didn't even read the presentation word for word, I added my own dialogue, baby! I strapped on my big girl pants and I feel so free.

This may seem stupid and insignificant to some people but it was such a hugely gratifying thing to me and I gotta say, this year isn't starting out too bad.

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