Chapter 3

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A/N wellll i got ten readsssss :D YAY dont judge me i love every person that takes the time to read my story so um thank you! I'll try to make this chapter longer so there is more to digest (hom nom nom)

*Dans POV*

I mentally slapped myself as I woke up again, I was so weak, maybe a should just go die - I didn't matter to anyone. Realising that i should be out in the cold, I was shocked to find myself on a warm comfy bed and central heating on around me. 

"Sleeping beauty finally awake?" I turned my neck to see a teenage boy standing in the doorway

"Who are you?" I questioned, although i couldn't take my eyes of his crystal clear sapphire ones as they instantly calmed me down.

"I am Philip Micheal Lester, but you can call me Phil - who are you?"

I'm D-D-Dan Howell" well it was a move - my name was the last thing i had to give away.

*Phils POV*

"I'm D-D-Dan Howell" he stuttered

ah yes Dan Howell, you are very beautiful 

I begged for my mouth to not voice my thoughts. Noticing he was staring at my eyes, I walked over and sat on the bed.

"Well Dan, you aren't the best state -  what happened to you?" I questioned, he looked exactly how I did after a day at my previous school, this was NOT looking good.

"I.. um fell over.."

It was obvious he was lying, I sighed and stared at his chocolate brown eyes

*Dans POV*

It hurt me to hear his disappointed sigh, I knew I had to tell him as he peered though his black fringe into my eyes - It felt like he was reading my soul.

" beaten up" I mumbled

great, just great! now he thinks you are a weakling good job Dan!

"By who?" I was surprised by the genuine concern in his voice, 

"It doesnt matter" I had already revealed too much - I had only just met him from waking up in his house!

*Phils POV*

Understanding that he didnt want to tell, I walked out to get some ice from the freezer I rustled around and found some frozen peas and wondered back to where Dan was, I first placed it on his arms, although i was tender with my touch he winced and pulled away from me displaying his wrists when his hoodie sleeve rolled up. His shredded arm were just like mine, he was like me and he just stared at me with a cocktail of dispair and anger in him.


I revealed my wrists to him and winced as he gasped at my scars.

A/N ooooooohhhhhh dan and phil are similar arent they? ooooooooh xD Well if you are readin this I hereby give you a free internet cookie! (yaayyyy) thanks for reading!

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