Chapter 4: a voice

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Hoseok smiled, today —Saturday— he was going to see some musicians from his collage sing and play some songs with his closest friend Mi-loo. He texted him quickly and hurried to their meeting spot infront of the stage where the music show would be happening.
Not many people were there currently so he sat down in one of the chairs, waiting for Mi-loo. He saw a familiar head of blonde hair run towards him. Mi-loo sat down in the seat next to him, taking deep breaths."so much—"he huffed before continuing
"—running"  Hoseok laughed."hey! It's not funny!" Mi-loo said, relaxing in his chair a little.  They talked for a while before people started showing up and sitting in chairs.
The host, who would be introducing the bands ands singers walked into the stage.
"Hello ladies and gents, I'm your host Wong Sangji, and welcome to this years music stage! You all know the drill, no cameras, no phones,-" hoseok heard Mi-loo turn of his phone."—and no booing, please be respectful. And just enjoy! Alright! First up is got7! Let's get a round of applause!" They clapped and listened as got7 played a song. After they finished, everyone clapped as they bowed and exited the stage. Sangji walked onto the stage again while clapping "wow! That was really good! You know, I happen to be a fan of theirs! Alrighty! Next Is Jeon Jungkook with his song 'begin' let's get a warm welcome for Jungkook!" They clapped and the host exited the stage. A boy a couple of years younger then hoseok walked onto the stage. he fumbled with the microphone before talking."er...hello...I'm Jungkook and I'm going to be singing a song I wrote...I hope you like it" the music started playing, he took a breath and closed his eyes. He started singing with the most beautiful voice Hoseok had ever heard, it was almost the voice of an angel. Hoseok watched intently as Jungkook sang his song, he listened to every word with amazement, it was beautiful. Jungkooks voice was like reading a book that could make you cry, or being in love for the first time —figuratively of course— it was just that good. Hoseok smiled as Jungkook finished, and he clapped loudly. Jungkook smiled on the stage "er...thank you!" He said into the mic before walking of the stage.


After the rest of the musicians left the stage hoseok and Mi-loo hugged and said goodbye. Hoseok got up slowly, and headed to a convenience store. he needed to get a tooth brush, as he broke his by accident the day before. He walked into the store, waving at the cashier and headed down the isles, looking for a toothbrush.
He stopped as he saw the same boy who was on stage earlier looking at birthday cards.
The boy had the same dark brown hair as hoseok remembered. He was wearing a dark sweater with a white butten-up underneath and plain brown pants.
Hoseok gulped before walking over to him and tapping his shoulder.
The boy turned as Hoseok spoke "ah... I was at the collage music stage and I just wanted to say that your voice was truly amazing" the boy smiled and blushed "thank you! I'm Jungkook by the way"
Hoseok smiled "I'm Hoseok. Nice to meet you".
Jungkook nodded "do you live around here? I just entered the school and don't know my way around do you think you could help me a bit on Monday or something?....—" he raised his hands up and blushed "—but not if its a trouble! I don't want to be a bother or anything! And we just met too so if you don't want to that's fine!" Hoseok chuckled "you won't be a bother! And I'd love to help but I can't on Monday, I have plans, on Tuesday I can help you though."
Jungkook smiled "thank you so much!"
"Hey no problem, but let me get your number so I can text you about it."
Jungkook blushed slightly and took out his phone. They exchanged numbers, Hoseok quickly typing his number into Jungkook's phone and Jungkook blushed as he typed his into Hoseok's. "So, er...." Jungkook said, blushing at the silence. Awww Hoseok thought, smiling slightly.
"So! Uh! I better be going! Text me about Tuesday soon please!" Jungkook said waveing as he quickly grabbed a card and ran to the cashier. Hoseok smiled and continued looking for what he came there for.


Jungkook, now walking down the street going to his apartment, smiled wide.
Wow! Maybe I actully have a shot at winning!

Who's do you like sofar with hobi? Hmmmm anything else? Oh! I hope you saw my angel joke in there ;)  Anywho! Please comment and vote! I like hearing your opinions! I love you all! Bye👋!

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