Chapter 18: Detective taehyung

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yoongi sighed and fidgeted with his gloved hand as he walked down the street, the glimmering had spread to his elbow. the darkness had engulfed his lower arm seemingly overnight. he turned onto a street leading to the pier, he was in need of fresh air. he smiled slightly as the wind twirled around, his hair moving along with it. he sat on a bench, looking at the small beach next to boats landing. he pulled of his glove and examined his hand. the tips of his fingers were beginning to become translucent, as if he was fading away. he felt tears prick the corner of his eyes. his hands covered his face as he cried. he bent forward, his back shaking as he sobbed. after he had spent all the tears he could muster, he sat back up and wiped his eyes. he swiftly pulled his glove back on and stood up, looking over the beach. he squinted and took a double take. two familiar faces were hiding behind a rock. is that? what are they doing here. he walked down to the beach and angrily shuffled towards the rock. "taehyung. jungkook. what the hell are you doing?" taehyung and jungkook gasped in unison "shhhh" taehyung grabbed yoongi and pulled him behind the rock. "what are you to up to? and why are you dressed like that?" he whisper yelled. taehyung tilted his head before letting out a small 'ohhh', he smirked. "I'm dressed like this because I'm acting like a detective." yoongi rolled his eyes as he looked taehyung up and down. "you look like your going to a costume party" he muttered, gesturing to taehyungs sherlock homes-esqe outfit. the brunette was wearing a trench coat, a baseball hat and round yellow sunglasses. taehyung huffed "shut up, i look freaking adorable" yoongi scoffed  "sure. lets go jungkook. jungkook?" jungkook only gulped. he had been watching the reason they were there and it was making his stomach sick. taehyung and yoongi looked past the rock. yoongi stiffened "you too were following hoseok and jimin?-" he snapped away from looking at hoseok to look at jungkook "-what the hell. we're angels jungkook! you should have more tact!" jungkook bit his lip "well... i just...-" he inhaled "-i can't let him be with jimin" yoongi looked back past the rock. hoseok laughed at something jimin had said, his cheeks becoming rosy, they were close.too close for yoongis liking. hoseok moved his hand on top of jimins. yoongi cringed "alright, i see what you mean." taehyung chuckled lowly "i knew you'd come around" yoongi shot him a glare "i still think this is wrong. but ill help you break them up" jungkook smiled slightly "thanks yoongi" taehyung rolled his eyes and looked past the rock. hoseok pushed jimin onto the sand. jimins hand reached up to move into hoseoks hair, the other pulled hoseoks shirt collar down. jimin giggled slightly before their lips met. they kissed slowly and passionately. yoongi felt a twinge of pain, which turned into yoongi gasping as a pain froze around his heart. his legs folded and his knees hit the ground. he clutched his chest as his lungs clenched. he tried to be quiet, not wanting hoseok and jimin to notice them, but his need for air was becoming quite apparent. jungkook and taehyung looked over at yoongi. jungkook gasped and ran over to yoongis side. "yoongi!"jungkook said. taehyung froze, not knowing what to do. yoongi breathed out quick short gasps while he spasmed before coughing violently. he lurched forward as he coughed out a dark thick liquid. it was the consistency of blood but the color of something much, much, darker. yoongi continued to cough up the substance, his back violently shaking. jungkook bit his lip. "wha-what should i do?" taehyung gulped, not knowing the answer to jungkooks question. taehyung felt his eyes get heavy. what the heaven? he thought as a migraine entered his head. he clenched his head before remembering yoongi was the one who needed help. he sat down suddenly and looked over at the pool of darkness yoongi had hacked up. "he's making to much sound." taehyung whispered, although both jungkook and yoongi heard. jungkook gasped "thats what you're thinking about?" yoongi looked over at taehyung in a daze and nodded. his vision had started to get blurry. he stopped coughing, his breath returned slowly before he fell back on the sand, letting darkness take over.


hoseok chuckled as the younger pulled him into his apartment. jimin pulled him towards the couch. "what do you wanna watch?" hoseok sat down next to jimin and shrugged. "whatever you want" jimin nodded and flipped through the channels. he huffed "theres nothing good." hoseok took out his phone and put it on camera mode. he snapped a picture of jimin and chuckled "you look so serious, its cute" jimin pouted "hey, delete that~" hoseok smiled and took another picture "no way" jimin reached for the phone, only for hoseok to put it above his head. jimin whined and moved onto his knees"come onnn" he muttered as hoseok moved his hand away from jimins. hoseok only grinned as he avoided jimins reaches. jimin huffed and looked at hoseok. he pushed forward and kissed the side of hoseoks mouth, taking hoseok by surprise. "whats that for?" jimin giggled and grabbed the phone. "answer your question?" hoseok gasped dramatically "why you little sneak, you know I'm going to have-" he sighed before grabbing jimins small body -earning a small oof and a giggle from the younger- and pulling it on top of him "-to get my revenge" hoseok reached his hand up to caress jimins cheek. he leaned up and kissed jimin softly. jimin responded to the kiss, a blush rising to his cheeks. a real blush, which surprised him. he felt his heart speed up. shit. somethings happening to me. danm you jung hoseok. as soon as he thought those words, a slight headache entered his head.


sorry for the wait, i hope you enjoyed the chapter! Also, what a babe taehyung is, like look at that pic, so cute. please comment and vote! ily guys! -ココ

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