Chapter1- love sparks [ Niall horan fan-fic]

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Chapter one

A beautiful day

Emily's POV

Ring ring ring

I woke up because my alarm was ringing because school was today. So I got out of bed and went into the bathroom and I got in the shower and when I felt the warm shower reach my skin it felt so good that I just wanted to be under there the hole time for today but I can't because of freaking school. So I was on my way to school and I saw Niall and his friends Louis, Harry, Zayn, Liam, coming this way and I started to run but he was to fast and he got right behind me and started to through me on the ground and his friends started kicking me but I was really scared of Louis, Harry, Zayn, and Liam but who I was most scared of was Niall horan because he was my main bully. When they finally got done kicking me they started to push me aside and they were walking to school. I got up and I started walking to school and I got to my locker and I opened it and I grabbed my books for history. When I closed my locker Niall was there with his arm on the locker and he said " hey Emily i just wanted to say that I was really sorry for bullying you for like 15 years Emily but I kinda of had a crush on you for like that long and just wanted to say if you wanted to go on a date tonight at my house with fancy dinner or something " and I said " yes" I said in a rush. " so meet me tonight ok and here's my address and come right after school ok " and then he left smileing on the way out. Omg! I can't belive the Niall Horan just asked me out and he said he's sorry that he was bullying me to i'm so exited I just can't w- and something inturrupted me and it was the school bell and i'm probaly going to get in trouble since i'm kinda of late. So I rushed to my class and when I got there I sat in my seat and then saw Niall and his friends come in and then Harry told the whole class that I was a stupid girl but that was actually not true then Niall told Harry to stop what he was doing then when Zayn's girlfriend walk in Who was Perrie. Then when I got up he came over and pushed me to the ground and started to kick me intill Perrie walked over and told Zayn that if he would not stop that they were through and the rest of the girls told there boyfriends that too. All of them said yes to what there girlfriends said but exept Niall because he didn't have a girlfriend but he was already being nice to me ever since he asked me on like a date.

Niall POV

When I saw Emily she was just so cute that's why I always bully her for some reason. I walked over to Emily and said " hey how about we go home to my house and have that dinner instead of you having to walk all the way to my home ok " and she said "ya sure how about we go right now ok " and she nodded her head. Then we got to my house and I opened up the freezer and I asked her what she wanted and she and she said " do you have pizza" she asked and when she spoke her cute soft voice just melted me right now I just wanted to kiss her so bad." Ya I think I have some from last night ok" she said "ok". So I walked to the the other fridge and I got the pizza out and I cooked it in the microwave and when I put the pizza on the table we ate together and then when we were done I said if she wanted to go to my room and she said ya sure. So we got into my room and I closed the door and locked it and she said" what are u doing Niall" and I said" can I try something" and she said "ya sure" so I walked over there and I sat next to her and I leaned in and I kissed her soft pink lips and she kissed back. We both moved in perfect sync and I pushed her onto the wall without breaking the kiss and I pinned her wrist on the wall and started to push harder on her. Then I stopped and looked at her and I started to blush like a tomato and then she started to look at me and also blushed too."um I'm sorry I didn't mean to that I just really wanted to kiss you but I knew you didn't like me and I'm really sorry h-how a-about we just watch a movie in my room right now ok I'm just really sorry" and then she said" I'm really s-sorry to. ya I guess that a movie will work". So we walked to my room and I picked out a scary movie.

Emily POV

I saw Niall picking a scary movie and really I don't like scary movies but if he wants to pick it then I'll let him pick it. I saw him walk up to his bed and then he patted a side for me to lay on. So I got up and I walked over to him and laid on his side of the bed we both fell asleep while the scary movie was going.*Flashback* we came into Nialls house and we walked up to his room and he locked the door and i asked "what he was doing"and said "can I try something" and ofcourse stupid me said yes and he leaned in and kissed me and we both moved in perfect sync. The kiss was pationite so i kinda liked it but then it got deeper and it was perfect.

*End Of Flashback*

I woke up to find me in a bed then I remember what had happen last night with Niall. Today was Saturday and school brake was here so I guess I can't go back home because my dad kicked me out because he couldn't take care of me since my mom died when I was 3. So I guess I have to get a job and get paid enough so I can get a house and try to work something out of living on my own. I tried to wiggle out of bed without waking up Niall for some reason. I walked to the bathroom and took a shower and I saw that he had Vanilla body wash so I thought that he wouldn't mine or notice so I used it and started to wash my body. I got out of the shower and I heard the door open and I didn't have my towel on and there it was hot badass Niall Horan the one that got me into liking him. He started to look up and down my body and he said " hey sexy, you can't go home are get a job because your living with me now and always" when I heard that I started to take big breaths then I said fine and I looked out of the room and found my stuff there. He is so sweet getting my stuff wait Emily get out of your thoughts. So he got out of the bathroom and let me change and do my stuff and I got out of the bathroom and I looked to find Niall but he wasn't here so I started half way down the stairs and I smelled something good and I saw Niall cooking up some breakfast and I rushed to the table. He saw me and smirked I smiled back at him. He put down some breakfast and I grabbed my fork and I started eating but Niall stopped me and said " your not getting any till u kiss me". So I got up and I walked toward him and I kissed him on his soft smooth warm lips and he wrapped his arms around my waist and I grabbed his hair and ran my fingers through his hair. We pulled apart and blushed and he gave me my food. When we we're finish he said to me " hey I'm sorry for yesterday but if u want to u can be my girlfriend and we can u know do it". I started to blush and nodded my head. So he lead me upstairs and he said that we were going to a club right now so we got dressed and got into the car and he said to me that when we get there we are going to get a couple of beers, wine, acholhall, and drugs. I started to get sweaty because I have never been to a club but I'm pretty sure Niall has been because he got all exited. We arivied there and he open the door for me and I got out and he carried me in a bridle style. Niall put me down when we were in and he whisperd in my ear and said" go have fun but dont get into trouble got it babe!" and I nodded and he started to head to the bar and I followed him because to be true I dont know my way around here. I took a sat next to Niall and he ordered a beer and some drugs for us and he gave me 20 beers and 30 drugs. So i chuged down all of them and did some drugs. When I was done I got up clumsy and walked over where Niall was dancing he saw me and When I walked closer I could smell the sweet beer on him and when an fast song came on everyone grabbed a guy and started dirty dancing. So me and Niall got so close his bulge was right on my thigh. He had a smirk on his face and he whispered In my ear and said " hey how about we go home and we can go to my bedroom huh?!"." Of course babe!" I said and he looked at me surprised and I smiled and he smiled back. We got home and he grabbed my hand and pulled me upstairs and locked the door behind us and he pinned me on the wall and started to slid his tongue up and down my neck and he find my soft spot and he started to suck it then he started to suck roughly on me. He pulled me and through me onto the bed and he laid on top of me and started kissing me. I started to moan and he pulled away and took off my shirt and my pants then he played with my lace string from my panties. Then he looked up at me and said " can I take this off and your bra too" I nodded lightly and he took my panties off and my bra I got really sweaty and then it happen he stuck his index finger in my spot and started to push hard. I let out moans and he put a second finger and started to move faster and faster. I got up and turned him over and I got on top of him and said " my turn" with a smirk on my face he smiled and kissed me I kissed back but then pulled away and I teased him by rubbing his dick with my thumb. He started to moan and I rubbed harder with my palm and he moaned real bad. " BABE STOP FUCKING TEASING ME ALREADY AND SUCK MY DICK!!" so I did what I was told and pulled down his pants and striped boxers and I saw his huge dick there and I played with the tip of it then I put my hand on it and i brung it to my mouth and bobbed my head up and down. He let out a loud moan that was deep then I heard a knock and a gun shot and there he was.

Hey Guys I will update tomorrow so comment and vote and I will be doing a lot of cliff hangers so stay and read.I Love U guys BYYYEEE!

love sparks [ Niall horan fan-fic]Where stories live. Discover now