Chapter 5

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As the few bookstores we'd tried turned up nothing of significance, we turned instead to some libraries. Ness would be fairly safe inside. The odds of someone snatching her from such a public area seemed slim. Slim isn't exactly ideal but what else can I do? I needed the benefits of my wolf form to do a better search. While my human nose is still more powerful than a normal human, it has nothing on my wolf one. As reluctant as I am about this. As much as I hate to be separate from her, especially at such a dangerous time, this is necessary. At least this is what I tell myself as I watch her disappear into the building, my heart torn to be apart.

The freedom of being in my wolf form, even if it meant sneaking along back alleys that were far too small for my massive form, still felt good. In this form I felt prepared, in this form I felt I could protect what was the most precious thing in the world to me. In this form I was on a more equal playing field with our enemies. Wasting no time I sifted through the scents being borne on the air. The odor of human was overpowering, so many people crammed into a small area. Overall I was a small town boy at heart. I missed the towering trees and lush forests of our home in Forks. I missed my territory with a fierce ache and the people I loved even more.

No, I couldn't dwell, I needed to focus now. Shaking my head I returned to the task at hand. Nose in the air I opened my mouth tasting the air. That's when I find it. That sickly sweet stench that burned my nose. It's faint but there. A timeless fury and hatred rose up within me, the urge to rip and tear this monster apart before it could do anymore harm. But fear and common sense were quick on its heels, reason snapping me back with a single word, Nessie. Alone and unprotected.

Reeling around I sprinted in wolf form through the streets of Rio, ignoring the alarmed screams of the people I barreled past. The scent was closer now, too close to the library for my liking. Nails digging into the pavement I put on a rush of speed. Nessie was at the door, beautiful chocolate brown eyes wide with fright. She had caught my scent, different in wolf form. There couldn't be any other reason but danger. Running a few steps closer she springs lightly onto my back. Her weight was a comfort, as was the little hands digging into my thick fur. I couldn't answer her wordless question as we sprinted away, not stopping till we were on the fringes of the city.

"You cannot go back!" I growled, what could she possibly be thinking? Her little face was set in mulish stubbornness. She was showing me what she thought she had found. She wasn't finished. Even the thought of Vampire's wasn't about to deter her. The faces of our family flashed through my mind, one after another, it broke my heart. I wanted it to be one of them too.

"No Ness! I know their scents. It's not them. We can't go back into the city now. It's too dangerous." I had put my foot down on the matter, but this girl was definitely her mother. Sneaking away on the pretense of going to the bathroom, trusting my human nose wouldn't work so well in such crowds.

Damn her.

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