Chapter 2

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So, of course me and Michael saw each other secretly even though we were forbidden to date. Anyways, let me get to his teen years where he absolutely hated himself because he had acne and he wasn't cute and little anymore. Which that's just a part of growing up. Now, let me take you to 1974, August 29 which is Michael's Birthday. Teressa, "Happy Birthday Michael!" Michael, "Thank you. What did you give me?" Michael, "Well, I got you some records that you like and I also, got us these matching braclets. Well, they both have our names on them and you get one piece of the heart and I get the other piece so, that means that we will never be far apart." Michael, "Than, you, I love your birthday present that you got me." Teressa, "Are you doing anything special today? Oh, wait I forgot your family doesn't celebrate birthdays." Well, in me and Michael's teen years my parents started to loosen up since we are almost old enough to make our own decisions. Teressa, "Michael, I was wondering if you could come over to my house and I could throw you a birthday party." Michael, "Teressa, I don't celebrate birthdays. If I have a birthday party it will be against my religion and I can't have that." Teressa, "We could have a party and secret and not tell your parents. Come on Michael, this is your 16th birthday don't you want to make it special? 16th birthdays are always special, mine was. Which was in February." 

Michael, "Yeah, I do want to make it special. Okay, but, I don't know where we are having it at. We defiantly can't tell my parents or they would be really mad at me." Michael, "But, we do have a concert next week and my father would be mad at me. I don't know what to do." Teressa, "Michael, you have been practicing the rest of your life. You need a break." Michael, "Fine throw me a party." So, they go have a party in Berry's mansion. Michael, "Berry, I know I don't usually have any parties but, one of my friends suggested that I should celebrate my 16th birthday so, can I have a party at your mansion?" Berry, "Of course you can. You know I'm not that strict on you like your father. I'll do anything for my son that I never had. Because I consider you as my son. I hope you know that." Michael, "I do." Now, we are at Berry's Mansion and Berry invited their friends. Except his parents and his siblings since they can't know. Even Berry knew that. His father would ring his neck if he found that he would be having a party without his permission. Michael, "This is so, much fun!" Teressa, "Aren't you glad that your having a party?" Michael, "Of course I am!" 

After, Michael opened his gifts and ate some cake. There was this one person who was rude to him and insulted his acne. Cynthia, "Oh, who's that?" Michael, "My name is Michael. You know from the Jackson 5 and now the Jacksons?" Cynthia, "Oh, I didn't recognize you because of how ugly you have gotten. Teressa, "Cynthia, why do you have to be so, mean?" Cynthia, "Because I am. See, how I have flawless skin? Yeah, that's how I have got people to notice me. Your ugly and nobody would want to date you." Teressa, "I'm dating him." Cynthia, "Well, than your blind. Dump him and I could get you a better boyfriend." Teressa, "Cynthia, just lay off of him. It's his 16th birthday which only happens once in your lifetime and your ruining it." Michael, "I'm sorry I have to leave." Teressa, "Is it because of Cynthia? Don't worry she's just a jerk." Michael, "No, it's not her. I feel like a lot of people stared at me during that party. One time my little cousins even tried to pop my pimples. I just hate when people do that it makes me feel like an outsider." To ruin that party Michael's father called and found out that he had a party at Berry's mansion. So, of course he had to leave. And that night he was definantly in a lot of trouble. He had to practice extra that night. Even though Michael got in a lot of trouble that night, he had fun because it was his first birthday party ever.

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