Lost Then Found

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I know that its been done and a kind of beaten to death but... hey, I like these stories so! I apologise to my friend who will more than likely end up reading this because she hates this ship but BAD WOLF ALL THE WAY!

Disclaimer: Hmm, rich? No. British? *Sobs* no. Genius? Of course! Okay fine! Not really... So clearly I don't own D.W.

Rose Tyler was always special, although not many could bring themselves to look past the mascara, bleached blonde hair, all of of the pink, and lack of A-levels. But there were very few who would actually bother doing so, simply because it is in human (and inhuman) nature to feel superior to what we consider lower beings. So when a certain someone saw a glimmer of how special this stupid ape was, he couldn't help but want to bring her along for the ride and show her just how impressive he (or rather his ship) could be. But all this was a very long time ago, so long in fact, one might have thought the two hearted man would have forgotten about his little pink and yellow human who fixed him and his hearts right after The Last Time War, the one who had taken the Time Vortex into her head just to save his unworthy life, the same one who stuck with him even after a regeneration, the one who he had shamefully lost again and again, and the one who had all of his love, and the one the universe had cruelly ripped away from him. It was all he could do to not rip apart the walls of the universe just for a glimpse of his precious flower and then he didn't need to as she found her way back to him through a dimension cannon.

Although in the end it was like the universe was playing a cruel joke on the only known Time Lord; the Doctor got his Rose only to have to leave her on that damn beach with a clone and his final memory of her was of her snogging said look alike and feeling the most acute sense of jealousy and just the smallest twinge of betrayal because it wasn't him and even after all that he was still too much of a coward to tell her how much he fancied her but, that wasn't true he didn't just fancy Rose, he loved her and he wanted so badly to spend the rest of his very long lifespan with her, even that was a fantasy he wouldn't be given. And her snogging his clone within an inch of the lucky sods' life, was the slap to the face that showed the poor Doctor that he and Rose could never be together because he could never give her a real normal family, could never grow old with her, and the saddest thing was perhaps that Jackie Tyler had nothing on this particular slap.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2014 ⏰

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