Chapter 5

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I bet you're wondering whats wrong with me, aren't you..?
Okay, fine. I'll spill.

I have a black eye. My face and cheeks are bruised to all ends. I'm sore beyond compare and I don't know how I got up this morning.
My wrists are scarred and bleeding still.
I feel used, I don't know if I can talk. Everything feels broken.

"I-It was my m-mom and her d-dumb boyf-friend.." I stammered to Amber, trying to keep my mouth closed. I was so afraid some of my teeth were missing.. I was afraid to look, too.

"Miku!! Gosh, just look at you, darling.." Amber was freaking out. She did this whenever I was hurt. It was normal for me, except that was the first time in awhile she'd done that much to me.

"They were drunk.." I muttered.

The bell rung, and I was out of my seat, to my locker as quick as I could.

I opened my mouth to the mirror and looked around for a moment.
Thank God.. No teeth lost.


I hate school. Today, so many people asked me what happened, that I ended up going to the Councilers office.

Then I had Science.

She gave us ten minutes to talk about our projects. Jake and I sat side-by-side.

"Miku.." Jake said.
I held up my hand to stop him.

"All I'm saying is I hate my mother." I said. I've almost been in tears all day.
Jake slowly nodded..

"I was there earlier that night.." He said, confused.

"I know." I said softly, wiping my hair out of my face. My left eye almost seemed swollen shut, and I was about to start crying.

"Miku, do you need to go to the bathroom, clean up a little?" I heard Miss Harper ask me.

I couldn't answer. I set my head down on the desk and was sobbing as hard as I could. Jake was patting my back, I could tell, and the only noise made in the room was my sobbing.
Everyone had stopped talking and started staring at me. I didn't care, I didn't get enough rage last night.

Soon, the bell rang, but I was still crying. At least it had softened some.
"Miku, come on, I'll help you to your locker." I heard a voice. Looking up, I saw it was Jake.

The bad boy wanted to help me...

I simply nodded, getting my books and shakily standing up, exiting into the crowd of people around me.
Some gave me weird stares, but in a way I never even seemed to notice.

Getting to my locker, I opened it and put my stuff in my bag, taking the bag out of my locker and sliding it over my shoulder.

Elizabeth got to my locker, then nodded at Jake, Jake nodded back.
What is this? Teleconisus??

Elizabeth put an arm around me, like she knew what was about to happen.
My knees buckled and I almost fell.

She knows me so well.

Her and Jake hauled me to my feet. "Mind helping me?" Elizabeth asked, Jake nodded, putting an arm around me as well and helping me walk.

Getting to Elizabeths car, I tried so hard to stay upright, but I was just so sore. Its so hard.. To stay concious..

Jake got me into the car, then looked at me. "Are you alright..?" I heard him ask.. He sounded.. Distant.
I knew it was just me, though.

"F-Fine.." I stammered, looking around slowly, then looking over at him.

"She lost a lot of blood." Elizabeth said. "I'll make sure she gets home alright.. And i'll watch her overnight."

Jake nodded. "Okay. I'll make sure she gets around in school okay, but I think she might only be like this today."

I don't think I will.

The two went to the side and talked to each other for a few minutes, me just sitting in the chair and still crying. I could barely concentrate.

"Alright.." Jake said, then walked off, after saying "Feel better, Miku."

Elizabeth got into the car and drove off.
"How did this happen, Miku?" She asked me.

She knew. She wanted me to say it until I cried until I passed out.

"Mom.. Is dating again.." I managed to say, Elizabeth simply nodded.

She knew this stuff without me having to say a word.

She got to the house, and helped me out, but by then I was able to walk on my own.

My mom looked at me as we got in, but I simply walked into my room without a word, slamming the door behind me and sitting in the middle of the floor like I usually did when I cried and whined and raged.

I cried so hard when I got down on the floor. I layed there and just cried as hard as I possibly could.
By now, that wasn't very hard.
I was running out of tears, but it felt like I could cry for the rest of my life.

Nothing could make this better, so I thought. And who would?

Elizabeth came into my room and practically dragged me onto the bed, because I couldn't move. I layed on the bed and looked up at Elizabeth, then sat up and hugged her.

She started to cry with me.
We cried for a long while.


Waking up the next morning... Sore-er than before.
Its Saturday, thank God.

I just layed on the bed, curled up. Elizabeth had left that night, letting me alone.
I had just instantly fallen asleep when she had left.

My phone was going off, but at the moment, I was just way to lazy to get up and answer it, that and the fact I was sore.
Ahahahaha , i see you do not like the storylineeee, I HAVE SO MANY IDEAS FOR THIS LIKE AJCUANDHXJABFJAKNDD... okay. Done fangirling.


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