Let Me Get You a Cookie

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Luca very swiftly declined her challenge. “I’m definitely not that curious,” he said, locking his arm in hers and pulling her hurriedly down the hall. “Let’s get out of here before I vomit all over his shoes. I did that, you know, when I first met him. Granted, I’d been a bit drunk at the time. But it was still more because he scared the ever-living hell out of me.

"And I don’t know why I’m telling you this," he said with a sigh, turning the corner and practically running out into the courtyard. Damn him and his nervous rambling. "I promise I don’t do it often. Vomit on people, not this nervous talking. And I should probably stop that now."

Neria started laughing as he literally yanked her out of the building as fast as he could, rambling the entire time. Once he believed they were in the clear and released his grasp on her arm, Neria doubled over laughing.

"I’m so sorry." She gasped between laughs. "I don’t mean to laugh, it’s just.." She trailed off as more laughter spilled out. "You’re cute when you ramble." Tears were in her eyes now from the laughter that she could not stop.

She was bent over and laughing; Luca had never seen her like this, and he found himself a bit awestruck for a moment. Maker, she really was beautiful, wasn’t she?

He forced himself to speak before she noticed the way he was staring at her. “Cute?” he said, trying to keep the grin off his face and failing. “That’s mildly insulting, you know.”

Neria swiped at her face and looked up at Luca with a smile. She realized that she was actually smiling warmly at him. Wasn’t it normal to return a smile? He was smiling or well grinning at her. Of course, she would smile back. It had absolutely nothing to do with the fact that she called him cute and he didn’t roast her for it.

"Only mildly insulting? That’s a small downgrade from being overly insulting." She stated as she finally managed to catch her breath and pulled herself up straight.

Luca smirked at her. “Well, why stop there? Imagine it: both of us paying compliments to each other.” He widened his eyes in feigned incredulity. “And we could smile at each other, and you could invite me over for tea. Maker, it’s so crazy that it might actually be fun!”

Neria wrinkled her nose. "Tea? You drink tea? I can't see you drinking tea..." She remarked as she looked at him curiously. "Be careful smiling, you might crack that pretty face of yours and that'd be a real shame."

"I love tea,” he told her, frowning a little. “What, you don’t see me as an intellectual? I assure you, there’s a lot of substance behind these devastating good looks.”

His frown lifted at the corners. “Although I guess getting you to admit them is a start.”

"There’s the frown of yours I am so familiar." Neria remarked as she shifted her feet, she suddenly felt nervous with him looking at her like that. "Warm, fuzzy feeling has passed now we can go back to being at each other’s throats"

"Oh, good," he said, taking a step away from her. "I was afraid I was going to have to hug you or something."

He smirked at her, and then glanced toward the building. “We should probably get our things and head over to the blood mage den. See if we can’t find some clues as to where Corwood’s gone.”

"You know how to hug people, show affection?" Neria asked widening her eyes in shock. "Let me go get you a cookie."

"Yeah, rather not have to go prancing around a blood mage den in a dress. So if you'll excuse me, I think I will go strip and find my armor." She paused and tried to remember where she tossed the stupid armor. "If I can find it..." she added on with a sigh.

"You go too far. I do not joke about food, especially cookies.” He turned to look at her, making his expression as serious as he could manage. “I’d offer to let you borrow my armor, but it wouldn’t fit you. You’re far too tiny.”

Neria glanced at him. "I may be tiny, Harellan, but I can easily put you on your butt."

She dismissed him with a wave and started towards the inn. Pausing at the the fountain to make sure the ice was still stable enough for the kids to play on. She smiled and waved towards the kids before finishing the walk to the inn.

Maker, I love it when she speaks Elvish. The thought entered his mind so unexpectedly that his eyes widened. He stood there awkwardly for a moment, wondering when he had started to lose his head. He noticed some of the children giving him knowing stares, cleared his throat, and then made his way back to his chambers.

Neria stopped at the tavern part of the inn and requested something specifically for Luca. She didn't take the time to wonder why she did that but she took the small package and returned to her room. Digging around, she finally found her armor and changed. She made sure her hair was pulled up tightly before grabbing her staff and leaving the room with the stuff for Luca. She took her time returning to where they had parted, leaning against the wall, she waited for him to return.

When Luca got into his room, he scoured the area for his finest clothes. His current ones looked okay, but he didn’t want to look okay. A white tunic (kept surprisingly clean), fitted brown pants, matching traveling boots, and a deep blue cloak. It was his favorite; Talia said it brought out his eyes.

At the thought of her, Luca felt a pang in his chest. He had not seen her for almost a month. His work with the Collective had kept him rooted in Ferelden, and though she had stayed with him for a couple weeks, she had been swept away by adventure in Orlais. He missed her.

He combed his fingers through his hair, forced the thoughts of his sister out of his mind, and grabbed his staff from the corner it was propped in. “Off to interrogate some blood mages,” he muttered, putting the staff into the holder on his back and leaving the room to go meet Neria.

Neria saw Luca step back outside and felt her jaw slightly fall open. Snapping it shut quickly, she tried not to stare. He put her to shame in those clothes, she only had on black armor. Sure, it was form fitting and everything but it wasn't like what Luca had changed into. The blue cloak brought out the color of his eyes, turning them a deeper shade. Swallowing hard, Neria forced her eyes to the ground as he approached her.

She held out the package that she got from the tavern. "I owe you this for being able to show affection without bursting into flames, harellan."

When he had found her waiting in the courtyard for him, he looked a bit taken aback. Her armor hugged her body in all the right places; he didn’t think he had ever seen her figure so clearly before. He tried to keep the heat from rising to his face as he approached her.

"You thought that was showing affection?” he said, taking the package from her and giving her a little smirk. “You should see me when I’m trying.”

He glanced down at the package, and then back up at her. “Should I open it now? Or save it for later?”

That little smirk of his caused a mix reaction for her. Neria wanted to smirk back but also felt her hand itch to wipe it off his face. Focus, she snapped at herself, as she focused on the bag in his hands. Why was it so difficult to focus around him?

"It is only a cookie." She replied quickly. "Eat it when you want, harellan."

Luca grinned at her. A genuine grin, one he had not given to anyone for a long time. It surprised him, made his chest tighten in discomfort. “You call me harellan,” he murmured, unwrapping the cookie and pretending to examine it. “What does that mean?”

Neria felt a curious warming feeling in her chest when he grinned at her. His entire face had changed, lightened up and brightened. He truly was handsome when he honestly smiled. He unwrapped the cookie and turned it in his hand, inspecting it. Neria fought the urge to roll her eyes at the sight.

"It's not poisoned." She remarked with a shake of her head. "It means trickster."

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