part 10

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Leah :

I woke up with my head pounded crazily. Even my eyes won’t open so easy but I managed to. First I saw spots everywhere but then slowly dark red colour emerged, it seems familiar. Hmmmm..nice choice of colour though, wait. I know this ceiling!

I jolted up from the bed as dizziness attacks my head. Ughhhhh……… it hurts. Wasting no time, I quickly get down from the bed with many questions playing at the back of my head.

I gather all my things which is my purse only considering my last night outfit still attached to me, thank God for that. Almost with no sound, I attempt to escape from this place, again. I even tiptoed like all the spy movies I’ve watched. That awesome feeling and the adrenaline rush while trying to escape is super exciting for me. Exactly at the moment my hand reached the door knob,
“Jellyface” A deep voice stopped me. A deep sexy voice if I may add.
My body straighten up. My mind went blank. I wait for what happen next.
“You can’t run away again,” he breathe the words at the side of my face. His deep voice sent shivers down my spine, his warm breath tickles me. Since when this man came behind me?
Immediately I turn around to feed my curiosity to face the one who’s the ultimately last person I wanna see right now. Teddy. I was so shocked that I didn’t realize I had sat down on the floor. The door behind me only a mere inch with my gaze fixed on him. He went down crouching in front of me and my gaze changed following his position.
He flashed me his sweet smile, his eyes showed happiness like he found treasure.
“Found you,” his words sooth me, I don’t know why. His gaze fixed on me.

Feeling sudden self-conscious I broke down our staring competition to look on myself. Actually my disoriented state to be honest. I looked at him again to find him staring at me, confusedly. Bracing my leftover courage, I sprint away from him furiously searching for bathroom. I opened the first door on my right to find a massive closet. Not this one. I then tried to open the door besides the closet, bathroom. Yes! In quick motion I went in, closed the door, locked it and even made double check. I breathed a sigh of relief.
Grabbing any spare toiletries I could find in his bathroom, I begin to do my stuff. My self-consciousness really kicked out this time because my main priority now is to look clean in front of him. As for Teddy, he would be able to break down the door any minute based on his actions right now. “Leah… you better open the door right now or I swear I will break it” he sounded calm yet his loud knocking gave away his calmness, “I can’t let you escape this time, the last time was enough. You ran away after I saved you that night” he kept rambling but I noticed something. I linked all my memories and his words, all point to one conclusion. He saved me that day! My Teddy!

“Jellyface, I need to tal-”, I opened the door in a swift movement, he stopped in the middle of his rambling. Immediately, I gave him the strongest bear hug I can give. He was taken aback by my action as I can sense that he stumbled backwards a bit before steadying his self.
“Thank you Teddy for saving me” my first words to him even if it’s barely a whisper. I then looked at him, cupped his face with my palms while gave him my most sincere smile because I’m truly grateful right now. He look stunned but then smirk. I was confused to see his smirk. Then reality slaps me hard on my face until I feel really hot now. I swear I’m going to be a tomato. Definitely a tomato based on his amused face. I let go of my hands from his beautifully angled face trying to say something but no words avail. My mouth open and close like a fish. Think Leah. Think. I can’t!

So I do what most woman would do right now. I slapped him. what?! I swear I wanted to apologize! His smirk is gone replaced by shock. He then looked at me with unreadable expression. I was beyond shock with my action, trembling is an understatement. Then again I do what most human would do, I ran into the bathroom and locked the door, at least this one I did it right. Silence. Not any silence, deadly silence.

“Leah….” He spoke with dangerously low voice. I was so scared I nearly peed on myself. “I’m not mad at you Angel” again I breathed a sigh of relief. “Please come out Jellyface” he pleaded. Feeling no use hiding forever, I opened the door with my head down. I was so ashamed. He grabbed my hand in his making tingles erupt on my body for the simple physical touch as he brings me out from the room. We walk through the living room as we headed to the dining room, he made me sit down on a chair. In front of me is a plate full with pancake with a cup of tea and a glass of apple juice I think, I can’t decide by looking on the colour only. I played with my fingers still looking down, not dare to look him. “Eat”, his simple words made me reach for the fork and knife and began to eat. I heard him sigh. “Angel please, look at me” he pleaded. I stopped eating and looked at his pained gaze.

He took a deep breath. “I’m sorry Leah for leaving you that day, it’s just, something happened. I need to solve it immediately without involving you. I don’t want you to get hurt. I tried to avoid you but I can’t. You helped me so much and we have this amazing friendship” the way he said ‘friendship’ like it’s hard to say, “I never talked to you because I don’t want” okay, that hurts a lot. “It’s just I like to hear you talking” I’m blushing right now. “I’m really sorry Jellyface”. There’s an awkward silence after that because I really don’t know what am I going to say to him. I just keep staring at him.

“Was I weird last night?”, at last, I was desperately want to know if I make fun of myself in front of him. Teddy seems surprised though. I was praying inside that I don’t, I remembered how Liam and Josh always mock me for being crazy when I’m drunk. “Awful than the other day” he’s saying something that I couldn’t hear clearly but by judging how he tensed suddenly, I think I just messed up. “Come again?” I still wanna know it even if it’s bad. He looked at me with a small smile that not exactly reached his face “nothing weird, don’t worry angel”. Thank you lord for keeping me from acting weird in front of this hot man. I nodded as a response then continue my breakfast as Teddy still staring at me. “Is it good angel?” he asked about the food. Okay! Enough of this! I’m getting bored with this “angel” thing! Am I look like his long lost love whose name is angel? Ohhhh… he better not be calling me that. Looking up at him, I dropped my fork again to give him my most annoying face. “Who’s angel? Did I look like your first lover or your crush? What’s with the “angel” thing? Jellyface is okay, but angel? My name is Leah, L-E-A-H. Didn’t I tell you already Teddy?” I asked him. He raised his eyebrow with amused eyes looking straight at me, he leaned his back on the chair while crossing his arms and smiling. I must be look really annoyed, “don’t smile Teddy, tell me who’s this angel?”

He tilt his head a bit to the side still smiling, “ Are you jealous Jellyface?”

“No!” I denied.

“Yes”, he retorted.

“No, I’m not!” I retorted back.

“Yes” he said calmly.

“Would you just answer my question Teddy?” I whined, lost at our small argument. He then chuckled lightly at me, “I don’t have first lover or crush angel. I called you that because you really are like that” he said. I was about to say something but he beat me by saying that I shouldn’t say any words instead I should focus on my food. I didn’t argue anymore now by knowing that he doesn’t have any special person. Yeah, that really makes my mood went good because obviously he’s my crush and my crush doesn’t have any crush.
Our breakfast went smoothly, mine actually because Teddy didn’t eat anything.

Now it’s past 8 in the morning, I need to go home. “I need to go Teddy, thanks for all” I said while grabbing my purse that Teddy took out from the room just now. He nodded in understanding, but there’s disappointment flashing on his face. “We’ll see another time” he said that but more like a question. I smiled and nodded, then I started to walk to the front door with Teddy followed closely behind me. I stopped and turn around to face Teddy, “by the way Teddy, I forgive you and we still friends” with that I hug him and give a quick peck on his right cheek then get the hell out of his penthouse confidently.

Little did I know, my gesture just now not only just made my heart explodes to million pieces glittering stars but his too.

#Thanks for reading it even it is not complete yet. I know the struggle on reading something that is not finish. Dreadful.

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