part 34

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Please be informed that I would slowly add every title for the chapters.


"So, I came all the way from New York for fuckin nothing?!!" I slammed my palm down on the large table in anger.

"We can't find anything or even track him." One of my leaders answered. We currently gathered here like before to discuss anything new about the Ghost, I lied to Leah saying that I'm going to Italy but actually I went to Brazil.

"Why the fuck you can't?!" I yelled in rage, the room become so tense and silent, no one dare to look at me in the eyes. Even David and Liam were sitting there without saying anything.

"Look Red," Duilio, the boss for the Italian mob also one of my family's closest acquaintances speaks up after a while sitting there listening."Finding someone who doesn't want to be found is tricky, and to be honest, this guy is literally non esiste."

"NO Duilio, I don't give a shit about anything. What I want right now is give me the fucking info about the Ghost, no matter what!"


"Anything from my sister?" After the meeting, the three of us were on our way to my private property to get rest with Liam driving the car. When he asked me about her, I remembered that she always updated her where about with that Phil boy.

"She's fin-" A car suddenly crashed our car from the left side causing us to spin around a couple of times on the road. Liam lost the control over the steering but luckily he managed to control it back and push the brake to stop the car. In the nick of time, Liam quickly drives the car away from any attention from nearby civilian and slipped into an alley, the car that hit us earlier tailgating us and rear-ended our car several times. So Liam speeds up the car away to a safe distance before swerve our car in 90 degree angle and made a sudden stop. The car then also made a sudden stop like us, we are ready with our own guns as we waited for any movement. Suddenly, the driver's door was open and an Asian guy dressed in all black got out from the inside, looks like he's alone and he's holding a damn big machine gun. In no time, it's raining bullets, we quickly took cover on the other side of the car while randomly shooting back at our enemy hoping that at least one of it hit the jackpot.

Eventually, the three of us ran out of bullets and our bulletproof car that keeps us alive till now. Luck was on us when our enemy ran out of bullets too, when I peeked at him, I saw that he took out a katana from his back while standing in an attacking stance.

"I want him alive." that's the only order I gave to make David and Liam understand.

When the man charged towards us, Liam quickly jumped out from our hideout and grabbed a metal trashcan lid nearby us as his defense. They both then started to fight using each other's weapon, without wasting any time, David jumped into the fight with his own rusty lid he found. Without any defense or weapon, I ran to the three of them and attack the assassin too. While both of them blocked the katana from hitting me, I attack him but he's too quick to dodge so I only managed to land a few punches and kicks. The ninja swing his sword towards David but fortunately it got stuck on his lid so I quickly kick his leg as Liam hit his back simultaneously to make him loses the grip, David took the chance to throw his lid alongside the sword far away from us. Now we got him cornered and we're waiting for his next move, the man just smirked at me before starting to fight with us in a close combat. He's not an easy match. When the guy realize that against the three of us, I knew that he knew there was no hope for him, he then managed to keep a safe distance between us, I thought he's going to fight back till death but I was mistaken when he took something out from a small pocket from his right thigh and throw it into our direction. When I caught a glimpse of the thing,

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