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Well, looks like you are interested in our contests!
Before We Tell You The Theme for This Month, Here Are The Prizes! Please be warned, we will change it up!

3rd Place - A Follow, 20 Votes on A Book of Their Choice, And A Sticker!

2nd Place - A Follow, 30 Votes on a Book of Their Choice, A Sticker and A Mention on our Account, That Will Last for a Month!

1st Place - A Follow (from this account) Votes on ALL the Chapters of TWO Books Of Their Choice, A Sticker, A Shout-out, and A Follow EACH from The Founder and Head Admin of This Campaign!


This Month's Theme is Determination!
Write A Story With Minimum 500 words and maximum 1500 words!

Contest Closes January 30!
The Winners Will Be Announced 1st February!

Nexus - Ethics ContestsWhere stories live. Discover now