Seasons Of Change

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Lazily I lift an arm up to brush the curtain to the side it is an unusually bright morning, the frost on the pavement glistens like a carpet of crushed diamonds, in the early morning sunshine.  Today is the day;  I’m moving in my new flat well ‘our’ new flat.  It’s a flat share with a guy I met at a gig last month, I think his name is Mark.  I’m pretty excited, I’ve seen the flat it’s a typical man pad. 

Staring at the ceiling I smile wondering what it’ll be like, living with people again. Going  back to uni, making a life. Finally feeling sure of myself.   I sigh audibly knowing I have to get out of bed sometime soon, I don’t want;

“NOELLE you’re going to be really late if you don’t move your arse now!” Spoke to soon.  I hear the dull drone of Emma my annoying uni roommate, thank the heavens I’m leaving today.    I squint my eyes shut as I hear her thudding footsteps hurtling up the stairs, the door bursts open a few seconds after.  Peering over to her I see her face oddly happy;  probably because she’s getting rid of me today. 

“Aren’t you getting up today?” she asks. I sigh moodily dragging my heavy body out of bed.

“There I’m up. Happy?” there’s no tone in my voice, it’s flat and cold.  She must sense my mood because she fled quickly mumbling something about boxes, this makes me look down around the room boxes litter the floor around my room.  Looks like I’m going to have to haul this shit out, can’t afford university accommodation this is what I have to do.  Flat share!! 

Once I’m dressed I take in my appearance, spinning around in front of mirror running a hand through my light curls I take in the smell, freshly dyed hair always smells awesome. Weird but true!  My toes flex on the rough carpet, I really can’t wait to get out of here and into some better company!

“Noelle! Hurry up, fuck sake.”  That annoying voice is another thing I’m gladly getting away from, sooner the better. 

“Alright! Keep your fucking knickers on!....or not!!” I laugh across the hall to Emma who flips me the middle finger before sauntering down the hall. Dickhead.

Ok let’s go!!

   After lugging all my boxes down stairs on my own, I’m finally finished.   All the boxes loaded in the car time to go!  I smile and stick a middle finger up at the crappy uni halls.

“See you, motherfucker!” I giggle, getting in the car. The Brightside of moving out to a flat share, no more shared bathrooms. 


In....out....In....Out.  I never get nervous, what the hell.  I snigger to myself at my dip in self security and get out the car.  A deep breath passes through my chest as I get to the door bouncing from one foot to the other in excitement and knock.

The door flings open and a woman who looks around my age stands there; her blonde wavy hair sitting just below her shoulders. I return her bright smile, surprised by her Texan accent as she greeted me.

“Hi. You must be Noelle?” chirpy, bubbly, nice.  I like her already.  She extends a hand but I pull her into a hug.   She lets out a funny little squeak after I pull her away and ushers me into the house.

“Well, that’s never happened before.  Come in sweetie I’ll show you to your room and stuff.” 

The house is what I can only describe as musical, a drum kit in the corner, sound system, guitars and other musical items stroon about the place.  Someone’s making tea in the corner, it’s Mark. From what I remember anyway I was drunk when I met him. 

“Here you go love, it’s not much but it’s better than uni halls right hun?” she smiles brightly at me.

“It’s perfect.  I can add my own touches though right?” I nod, hoping she’d agree.  She nods slowly, probably thinking I’m crazy.  That’s when Mark creeps up behind her wrapping a hand around her waist. 

“How you doing Noelle! Settling in nicely?”  Strong Irish accent, I must have been very drunk not to remember that.  I look from him to Rina, studying the smiles on both they’re faces before speaking once more;

“I’m great! Better for being here.  Fancy helping me with the boxes?” I grin, he nods, kissing Rina on the cheek before going to help me.

“How much shit have you got in these boxes!” 

I peer down from my standing place on my new bed to see Mark drop the last box into the room.

“I’m glad there’s just crap in there!” I giggle jumping off the bed, narrowly toppling over as my socks slide across the wooden floor. Luckily I’m stopped by Marks hands on my shoulders.

“Easy there! What’s in this box anyway?” he asks, chuckling as I scramble with the box shoving it carelessly under the bed.

“Oh, just some sentimental crap. I’m nearly done anyway. Um, can I have your help hanging these lights up?” I pout hoping he’d help. 

“You don’t want much do you dude?”  I raise an eyebrow at the unusual new nickname he thought up for me.


“If you’re gonna be living here I’ll need  a nickname for ye won’t I” he jeers ruffling my hair much to my dismay.

“Get off! Markus!” I burst into laughter

“Fuck off, that’s a terrible nickname! Now come on I’ll help you with these lights. Damsel in distress!” he spins round like a horrific ballerina making me double over in laughter as he helps me with the lights.


“Ok. Finally done! This place is feeling more like home now! Thanks for helping me, both of you.” I smile, surveying the room, sky blue walls, fairy lights, frames other me like items.  I flick my head round to Mark and Rina standing there Mark cuddled up behind he in the same position as before.

“It looks lovely” Rina says stifling a yawn, Mark’s head’s nuzzling into her neck.

“Go on you two lovebirds! I need sleep!” I wink shooing them off with a wave, chorus of giggles from the both of them.  Sighing with a smile I leave to make a cuppa, saying my farewells before I make myself scarce in my new bedroom. 

 Snuggling up under the covers I stare at the childish glow in the dark stars I stuck up earlier, they’ve always helped me sleep.... 

Hey, hey! So it's a new fic again! lol.  It's going to be a little different, I wanted to change it up from the norm so I hope people read this haha! Let me know what you think as usual - Comment and Vote  xox 

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