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Ugh I hate the smell of hair dye.. it stinks.  Everyone else seems to share the opinion.  Mark, Rina and Glen sit across from me with matching grimaces on their faces, but all of them don’t trump mine all because Danny hasn’t called, text or even come over to visit since we slept together it’s been a week now.  His flat is no longer underwater and apparently that’s why he’s not called me or something stupid my mind’s made up.  

“Noelle? Are you ok over there?” 

My head lifts up to see who wants me this time.  They’ve all tried to talk to me this evening but have been deflected.  The only positive I’ve got from this is they think it’s because of Isla... all but one of them and that’s Mark. He’s always asking me if I’m ok or eyeing me when Danny comes up in subject matter and now’s no different.

“I’m fine Mark, how’s the noses?” I strain a laugh watching as they all chuckle back at me.

“Great, but I’m not worried about that It’s you I’m worried about, you’ve not been yourself for weeks...” 

“Mark, I’m fine. I appreciate the concern but I’m fine, there’s nothing wrong with me. Just drop it.” I hiss lifting myself off the sofa to escape to the bathroom.   

So I now have purple hair, lovely.  I look at myself in the mirror studying my face, the pale skin newly died strands of purple hair lingering by my ribs.  I absentmindedly run my fingers over my lips I can still feel where he kissed me. I miss it, miss his touch, his voice, his everything.  Once again I’ve royally fucked up something good, Danny’s avoiding me he’s probably shit scared, scared of the girl who couldn’t make up her mind I didn’t know what I wanted then, I thought I did.  But now I know, I want him, Danny. 

“Noelle? Can I speak to you....”

Oh my god. When did he get here?  Danny...

I fluster around trying to sort myself out the best I could, no way am I looking like this to see him.

“Noelle? Are you ok?” 

“Yeah, fine. I’ll be with you in a minute!” I yell.

A few minutes of flustering around and I open the door.

“Danny..” I smile brightly up at him, it’s the first time I’ve seen him in days.  Still so weird, that fast pattering of my heart banging against my ribs as I look over him. 

“Hi, I...um.  Can we talk in there?”  he finally speaks, pointing to my bedroom. Shit.

“Uhh yeah...sure?” I speak hesitantly  scrunching my face up, my mind going into overdrive. What could he want?

“So, how’ve you been?” I ask weakly, sitting on the bed opposite him.  I don’t get a reply.  His hands twiddle together tapping frantically against one another, I’ve never seen him like this.


“Yeah, sorry.” He coughs, sitting down next to me.  His eyes are totally focused on me, it seems in his unmasked panic he’s got hold of my hand but let’s go when my eyes lock onto it.

“Don’t let go..” I whisper to myself and just like that his hand is back in mine kick starting that unfamiliar erratic beating of my heart. 

“What did you want to talk to me about?” I smile running my thumb over the skin.

“Would..you, want to go out with me? Well.. on a date..” 

Wait what?  Did he just? What? 

“You want to go out on a date? With me?” I poorly stifle a laugh of surprise. He’s biting his lip again. Oh man.

“It’s ok, I mean if you don’t want to, I know you’re busy and stuff.” 

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