Chapter 3 | Familiar Faces

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I laughed, running around the fields with Eren, Armin, and Mikasa. Mother never let me play with any of the other noble children, so whenever she had Mr. Jäger watch me I always spent my time wisely.

We had been running around for hours, and Miss Carla always enjoyed watching us run around. We were currently playing tag, and Eren was it. Armin was already out, so me and Mikasa were sprinting to the house for safety.

Eren let out a laugh, causing me to turn around, giving Eren enough time to catch up to me and tag me, causing my to fall into a fit of giggles. He was quick to catch Mikasa, and soon all of us sat down taking a breather.

Right as we were about to resume my game, I saw Mother walking towards the house, so I said my goodbyes and made my way over to her.


As my feet hit the dirt outside of the Survey Corp's HQ, I scanned around the crowd, curious if Eren ever did join the Scouts. He always rambled on about how one day he would join them and see the outside world, so I had high hopes that he was here, unless... no, I wasn't going to go there.

Hanji had been rambling on and on about a 'Titan Boy' who could apparently shift into a Titan when he bit his hand. - Kinda a lame way to shift if you ask me, but I've been around all sorts of weird for most of my life, so I'm not entirely sure if my vote counts - Aside from what I thought, Hanji was fascinated by him, and swore she would find him and introduce him to me.

I had also agreed to stop speaking in other languages for the sake of everyone in the camp, because most of them didn't want to deal with a pissed off shorty. Although that didn't necessarily mean I was gonna stop teasing him either.

Eyebro-I mean Erwin- decided to give me a tour of the place, and gave me an office-room, saying that they didn't have any other rooms available and felt like I shouldn't have to share a room with someone I don't know and didn't train with.

After a few hours of setting up my office, Hanji, Erwin, and even Levi had decided to help me set my office up since it was taking so long. After a little while, I started humming a tune I hadn't heard in ages, which eventually turned into me singing.

Shadows settle on the place that you left

Our minds are troubled by the emptiness

Destroy the middle, it's a waste of time

From the perfect start, to the finish line

And if your still breathing

Your the lucky ones

Cause most of us are

heaving through corrupted lungs

Setting fire to our insides for fun

Collecting names of the lovers that went wrong

The lovers that went


*intense music*

We are the reckless

We are the wild youth

Chasing visions of our futures

Thrown To The Wolves [ AOT/SnK X Reader ] UNEDITIEDWhere stories live. Discover now