Chapter 6 | "London Bridge is Fal-" Wait. Thats a Wall.

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After the little mess with Hanji turning Levi and Erwin into kittens, everything seemed relatively calm. The cadets were doing there normal training routine, while I hid under a tree. I heard Raven's paws click across the gravel path leading to the tree, and I felt her presence as she laid down next to me. "Taking a nap, are we?" Raven asked, licking my face. "G-gah!" I yelped, wiping my face in disgust. "The hell!" I exclaimed, getting strange glances from a few cadets. Raven giggled, circling my feet. "You've been ignoring me recently. I had the right to lick your face." I wrinkled my nose at this. "Did not! That was disgusting!" I exclaimed, completely outraged. I was germaphobic- not to the point of being Levi- but still germaphobic.

Suddenly, a cadet rushed through the training grounds and past me, strait to Erwin and Levi. The cadets breaths were short, and looked like he was about to faint. I quickly rushed over to him, and heard him wheeze the words "wall" and "titans" before catching him as he collapsed. I ignored the panic going on around me, and looked over at Christa. "Christa! Please get some water and a wet cloth!" I called out to her, and she shot off to do so. The cadet started to regain color, and sat up slowly. "Careful cadet, you just passed out." I said, helping him lean against the nearby trunk of a tree. Christa rushed over and handed me a cold, wet cloth, before kneeling and helping he cadet drink some water. I gently draped the wet cloth over his forehead.

After assisting the cadet, I stood up and turned to Erwin and Levi. "So, not sure if you heard but I think he was saying the wall was brea-" I was cut off by a Garrison Regiment cadet screaming "BREACH IN THE WALL!" sending everyone into complete panic. "Oh that was completely fucking necessary." I hissed under my breath, and Levi nodded his head in agreement. Erwin sighed, and looked around before speaking up. "Everyone, calm down! Levi squad, go to the wall and help the citizens. Hanji- take your squad and back them up. Everyone else get your gear on and be prepared to be assigned into groups." He said, before lowering his voice. "Go with Levi and Hanji, (Y/N)."

I nodded my head, dashing after Levi, Hanji, and their squads. Catching up to them as we neared the stables, I grabbed my horse and turned around "Raven, please stay here. I don't want you to get hurt." I said to my sister, before mounting the horse. I heard Raven mutter a 'fine' before I took off, relieving me. As we pulled into the area where the supposed breach was, I pulled out my blades. Titans were everywhere, pouring in from a gigantic hole I the wall. Pushing off the back of my horse, I ran down the streets to the hole. Slowing down, I cautiously exited the walls. I started killing the titans outside so they couldn't re-enter, and prayed that the others were clearing the inside out.

I'd push off the wall and use my momentum to slash a titans neck, before dodging a hand coming my way and running up its arm, slicing its nape. Then I'd land on the ground and cut off a titans ankles, causing them to fall giving me easy access to the nape. I repeated this process until I was out of breath. I saw Levi, Petra, and Hanji shooting towards me. I turned around and came face to face with a humongous titan, who quickly snatched me.

I struggled to escape its grasp to no avail.

I was caught



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