Part 17 ~ Monsterous

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*Max's POV*
"M-m-m..." he covered my mouth and arms with tape and made me wait outside.

10 minutes.

20 minutes.

An hour by now?

The clock is ticking..

The door opened again and Mike turned to see me struggle for freedom.

"I only tested you. Why didn't you use your powers? Ahem," Mike coughed, "I mean El's, excuse me."

He gently peeled the tape off of me as my face turned red.

I can't believe he did this to me.

"What were you thinking, huh? You think it's ok to just abuse me like that? I'm not a ginnea pig for you to test on. There's nothing to hide, Mike."

All in a quick buzz, Mike was flung to the ground by a strong force.

Wait..why can't I do that? Did she take her powers back?

Thanks, Max.

I sighed.

She looked at me; her eyes beaming again towards Mike in a flash. She looked infuriated.

"What-is, why?" Mike's astonished expression filtered his fearfulness and anger.

"Why?" Eleven asked.

"I wanted us all to be safe. I didn't know you'd get your powers back overnight."

"Isn't this..abuse?" El asked Mike.

"No-I barely even hurt her!" He whined.

"You still hurt me," I mumbled.

I thought all would be good without Max. I don't want her causing even more trouble and breaking up our friendship more than needed.

Mike?! My face grew red.

"Don't be mad, but I am afraid you're going to hurt our friendship."

"How could I? All I've done was-" I paused.

Yeah..I kinda did cause harm to Mike and El's relation ship along with his other friends.

"If I tell them you're back-they're going to kill me!"

Just as Mike finished his sentence, Dustin, Lucas, and Will came running to us with arched eyebrows.

"Max?" Lucas sighed.

"Mad Max." Dustin muttered under his breath.

Will held a confused expression following a deep breath of fear.

"Guys, I'm not sure we should be-" Will whimpered.

"Why is this all on me? I thought you'd be happy that El has her powers back. I'm not dangerous anymore! I won't do anything to harm anyone, and I promise that. Understand?"

The boys shivered while El stared at me faintly.

"I think we can trust her from now on," El said, making a half smile.

"I'm cautious." Dustin said.

"Same, man. I'm sorry. It'll take a long while to forgive you after what you did to me the other day." Lucas stood their rubbing his arm.

"Agreed, I guess." The other boys looked at me; suspicious.

"About the rest of the tape?" I asked, eyeing the tape wrapped around my wrists.

^Sorry-had been busy this whole week.
Trump as president now?? AHHH!! I am scared for our country.
Forget that (hehe), hope you all enjoyed this chapter and I'll post more sooner rather than later. Thanks for the views!! I can't thank you all enough.. ~ Uhly :)

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