Chapter 4

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Yeah, i am a horrible human. 

Chapter 4

Heyyy! Here is chapter four! Yeyyy! Please comment vote and promote because I don’t feel like you guys are liking the story, so please tell me!

Inbox me with ideas and I will do shout outs! J

Xx Cami

**Brook’s POV Back then**

“Is she the angel?” I heard Lucas say and I had the urge to go back in there and kiss the living hell out of that man. Maybe he forgot who I am, but I can still make him fall in love with me again. That is something right?

I don’t go back there but I stay outside his room until Theresa exits the room crying.

“Oh my dear Brook! I am so sorry! Nothing like this was supposed to happen!” Theresa sobbed

“Theresa, there is nothing to worry about, we are all alive, I guess your husband is doing great and you are healthy. Maybe Luke did not have much luck as we did but we will make sure he gets better, all right? I will be in every step of his way helping him” The last part was more of a whisper because I was also crying. She knows I love Lucas and that I will not give up easily on him. We hugged for a long time and I will tell you, there is nothing more soothing than her hugs.

“Brooky, do you want to go inside for a little while? He asked me if I could go home and bring some stuff…” She said more calmly

“Are you sure? Do you want me to go and pick the things up?” I inquired and she gave me a mock-kind-of-no-you-dumbass-you-can’t-leave-this-place glare and then I remembered that I am a patient here as well. “ Well am I not silly?”

“I’ll be back in 2 hours,” She said as she disappeared. I took a better look at her face as she said those words. She was not going to pick things up, well maybe she was but I know Lucas and he told her to go home and get some sleep.

I knocked like Sheldon in The Big Bang Theory does but a little less louder.

(A/N knock= ~)

“Lucas ~~ Lucas~~ Lucas~~” We did that before all the time. We love that series. And Sheldon is so funny… idiotic funny but still funny.

“Come in please!” Lucas yelled at the other side of the open door. I giggled and he giggled. Maybe he remembers that we did that. I walked to the edge of his bed and sat down beside it. “So, I’m guessing that you are Brook right? The angel?” He asked and covered his mouth in the last question as he blushed.

“Y-yeah, my name is Brook,” I said as I felt color coming up to my cheeks because of the angel thing. “I-I am you girl- best friend” I cut myself before I said something that he was not ready to hear.

“Oh, I am very sorry Brook, but I don’t remember you. Well you look familiar but I don’t recall anything that I suppose I have lived with you” And with that all my hopes came down to nothing. At least he could tell me that he remembered something. But no, he doesn’t remember anything. For him, I am forgotten.

The boy that called me the sun of his rainy days and the stars in his night when the moon is up high, is gone, and I am pretty sure that I will never get him back.

**Now a days**

“Ohhhhhh It’s a jolly holiday with Brooklyn! Brooky makes the sun shine bright!” Lucas chanted Mary Poppins making me blush. Yeah as you can see, he always makes me blush. That’s love isn’t it?

“Lucy, will you shut up? People are starring and we are in the middle of the hallway!” I kind of whispered-yelled but obviously kidding.

“Look you little annoying piece of-”

“Of what? Of flowers and sunshine” I winked

“Just let me sing my song,” he pouted his little cute face.


“NICE WAY TO LEAVE ME DEAF” I yelled at the loud alarm that meant we had to go to class. Well isn’t that just lovely? Not.

“Baby, carry me away into the darkness” Lucas said pointing to the classroom. He was just so cheesy and just no. The thing is that he was joking. Always trying to make me laugh but not like before. Before “IT” happened, he did the same things, but he actually meant them.

So I ‘carried’ him towards the dark- no…  towards the classroom and sat down next to him. And suddenly I zoned out. It has been more that 6 months and he in not getting his memory back. The functionality in his legs is, but the part we all want isn’t.

Suddenly I heard the door slam and I looked up only to meet a pair of blue-green eyes and I felt my face blush… What the actual front door? Lucas started to poke me in the back and that seemed to get me out of my trance and look away from the beautiful eyes I had just seen. A loud bang on the door meant that Mr. Carroll was here

“Hello my platypus! How are you today?” exclaimed Mr. Carroll. Yeah as you can see, he is always very happy about everything and everyone. Then he started to right a name in the chalkboard. ‘Damian… “Sorry son, how do you spell it?” he asked the boy that I had stared at.

“Here Sir, let me write it down” ‘Damian’ said with a thick Irish accent. And I have to admit; he has a very pretty font. He wrote ó Ceallacháin and everyone did a confused sound. When he noticed, he quickly said, “ Don’t worry, you pronounce it and spell it Callaghan ” Then wrote that one down and everyone cleared and emitted a bunch of ‘Ohs’

“Mr. Callaghan, will need someone to make sure that he doesn’t get lost around school” Mr. Carroll looked at me and winked at me.  Oh no, this cannot be good. “Brooklyn, my dear, will you help Mr. Callaghan get to his classes and make him feel welcome and accompany him. Just for this week until he knows his schedule and makes some friends”

“But Mr. Carroll! We do not have the same schedule! I do not want to be late for my classes!” I begged him. Well yeah I did want to be the guide of this Damian guy, but I am awkward with strangers and I don’t want to leave Lucas on his own. “Ok, alright Mr. Carroll I’ll do it, but if I am late, you will back me up. Kay?”

“Yes sweetheart, do not worry pumpkin” he said way-too-sweetly

I stood up and met the pair of blue-green eyes “Hi, I’m Brooklyn Bellhouse I am 16 turning on 17, I am from Florida” I said in a low voice

“Hello there beautiful, my name is Damian Callaghan I am from Dublin, Ireland I am turning 17 in one month and I like your citation on Mary Poppins” He said with his very and I must admit, very thick and sexy Irish accent.

Well this shall be interesting….

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