Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Songs for the chapter:


Meet You There-Busted

1961-The Fray

Queen Hearts-We The Kings

All Of Me-Cover by Charlie Healy and Andy Merry

Tides-Jack and Jack

**Luke's POV**

When I exited the bathroom and went to my locker to retrieve my bag, I obviously took a long time so when I went outside, I took a glimpse of Brooke going inside a black SUV. Who is picking her up? That is not her car. Her parents don't like SUVs. They don't need one. But as soon as I'm turning around, someone rolls the window down. What a fucking surprise. Damian came to pick her up. That dick! I have one small fight with Brooke and she runs to that one person that pisses me off more than anyone.

Why him? Out of all people she had to go to Damian. I know his intentions with my Brooke. I know she is not mine but se could be. We kissed today after all. I felt complete and I think she did too. There was a lot of passion in the kiss and I know that she liked it. She did kiss back.

But now, why did she call him. Just because we had a tiny dispute doesn't mean that she can kiss me and then go after him. Maybe she likes him and she didn't want me to feel bad about kissing her.

What's wrong with me? Brooke would never do such a thing. She has a huge heart and wouldn't harm anyone no matter what.

By the way, where is my mother? She always picks me up after school for obvious reasons. As if on cue, my phone rings and my mothers name flashes on the screen. "Mommy, where are you?" yes. I call her mommy.

"Hello sweetheart, I'm sorry I wont make it all the way to school" She sounds worried.

"Why? What's wrong?"

"There was an accident" I gasp as her words "Don't worry, I was not involved. However, there was a big shard of glass and it slashed one of the tires and well, I'm in the middle of town so your father is picking me up in half an hour. I'm afraid that you'll have to call someone"

"But mommy, there is no one here" But there is. You have her number. You have his number. Damn, Brooke and Damian are close by. "Okay mommy, I'll see what I can do. Love you"

"Alright darling, I am truly sorry. Love you too" With that we hung up and I decided that if I wanted a ride home, I had to give up my pride and call Damian.

In the second ring he answered "Hello? Lucas, please don't prank me right now." See what I'm saying? Dick.

"Don't think I would waste my time pranking you. However, I do need a favor" he laughs loudly in a mocking tone and I am not liking his attitude towards me.

"Oh, what could the amazing Lucas want from an Irish dick like me?"

"A fucking ride home. I saw you leave with Brooke about five minutes ago. My mother's tire was slashed and she can't pick me up" I heard noise in the background. More like a groan and a complaint from what I'm guessing the driver.

"Okay, Christ. We'll be right there Luke" I hung up as soon as he called me Luke. Who does he think he is to call me Luke? Only friends and family call me Luke. And he is definitely a foe.

I wheel myself towards the entrance with my bag on my lap and try to open the door. To bad I have to pull the handle and I can't pull the fucking handle. Seriously, the architects of this school did a very lousy job. What if there was a fire and people would get all jammed up at the door, which you have to pull to open. People would surely die. I would probably die trying to go down the fucking stairs. Gosh, I did not survive a plane crash just to die in a school fire. The good thing is that Damian could die. I could lock him up inside a classroom. Or the janitors closet. Ha, what the hell is wrong with me?

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2016 ⏰

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