Hope Curse

55 1 1

Hopes Curse- cat_aclysm

Firstly, I need to ammend this author on their attention to description. There's so much of it and it's beautifully written. It's so fluid and easy for readers to build an image in their own mind. However, something I noticed in the first chapter was although your description of imagery was perfect, your description of what had happened in the witches relm and what a 'conclave' was a bit hazy and I had to keep reading to get a jist. Despite saying this, as a reader who does not normally read this genre, this could be expected.

Vocabulary wise, this story is so sophisticated and would be aimed for more advanced readers that are into books that are, I'm sorry, but no-for-simpletons.

The heroine in this story, is introduced in chapter 2, and with the way the other characters interact around her and their reactions, it is just perfect and flows nicely.

If you're into a well written Fantasy book that's none-genreic, this is what you should read. I've struggled to find any fault in cat_aclysm' writing.

The cover, although simplistic is great and relates to the book. The eye is catching and stands out in the background and relates to the story.

The story: 8

Cover: 7

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