Letters of Remembrance

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Letters of Remembrance- Dragan_of_writing

Although the story line is not so much as original, the setting of it is quiet unique as it's a letter from Nikki, the girl dying, and Adrian, sending one to Nikki. Mostly your text flows nicely and is easy to read with usually, the correct grammar, but there are times where it can be awkward and a bit difficult to understand and sill spelling errors are made (remembrance not rememberance, sorry). It's nothing a bit f editing couldn't fix though.

Okay, so honestly, I usually am a sucker for sad stories but for some reason, I struggle to emotionally connect with this. Sometimes less is more, and already in your first chapter, your heroine is talking about how she's going to die, how she had no friends and was the loner, and how her dad died. For one chapter, this is too much. Let it build up slowly because it can be a bit too overwhelming and starts sounding like a sob story which some people can sometimes find hard to sympathise or empathise with.

You know as it's set as a letter to two people who should be very familiar with each other? Sometimes the writing can start sounding a little formal as though it's in a story format. Keep in mind that they are addressing each other and it should be a little more informal.

Adrian's final few sentences in the letter pulled at my heart strings a tiny bit. 'I should have cared more'. I do find myself sympathising with him there, because his situation is sort of relatable. How was he to know? Yet he's still riddled with guilt.

Overall, if you are into a good sad story, Letter's of Remembrance would be a good read. Although it's your typical girl with leukaemia story line, the format of it makes it stand out and possibly, some people may not be as heartless as me and it could pull at you heart strings ;)

In terms of the cover, it's all right. I can't really say too much about it. It's simplistic, but that doesn't make it bad. Sometimes the simpler things in life are the better things. You might need to change the spelling of remembrance however (sorry).

Story: 6.5

cover: 6

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