....The Fallen angel....

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I tried finding the chamber of shinigamy , but the palace was very huge and I was not able to find it.......
So I thought ,I should ask from someone .......
There was an angel who was passing by and I stopped him..............

I asked: Can you please tell me where is the chamber of shinigamy.
Then he said : you are him, the boy he is keeping inside .......
And I said : yes it is me who was a human but now staying with god...
Now can you please tell me the chamber....

The angel then said: I am going that way ,want me to walk you there...
And I said sure why not ...

We walked for sometime and then he started speaking ...
He said : so why you want to go in his chamber
And I said : it's because i want to know about the fallen angel...
Then he smiled and said: interesting,but you will never find anything about the fallen angel there....
I was curious why he said that, and I asked why ...then he said: it's because he doesn't know the story of the fallen angel, so well....
I can tell you if you wish...

And then I said sure because I had no other choice....
And he said : very well then boy..

What you are going to listen now will become a part of history now......

I thought Maybe it's something everyone says when they are about to tell something so I said : okey tell me....

He then started
telling me about the fallen angel....

He said : there was a time when all angels were worshipping god and there work was nothing but his praying.......
And there was one exeptional angel who was so desperate to worship the god that one day the god made him the head of all the angels.....

Time passed by and one day god asked all the angels to come at one place....the fallen angel came too..
God was telling all of them that they need to bow there heads to the mud....as all of the creations of god are born from mud....
But the fallen angel thought something else as he was born from fire and mud was not comepared to fire so it was against his respect and he said :no!......
He didn't knew what he was saying and to whom......
And so god asked him to leave his darbaar forever as he disrespected god himself.....

Then the fallen angel said that he had prayed for him for over centuries and he must have some price for it before leaving...and the the god said "ask what you want to have."...and he said....

"I want to be immortal to all of the creations in time and space"..
And god said it is granted but you will be abandoned from heaven.....

And then they both never saw each other......

He had finished the story and I asked him that how did he knew all
Of the story....
And then he said : I was there in that darbaar ..

I was very surprised to know his story as I didn't know anything like that...and then he said : look your room came , go and have some rest, you walked a lot tonight....

And I said : thank you for the story..... ...
And he smiled and said: it's my pleasure to tell you that ...

As I was about to leave to my room he asked me : Boy can you tell me what is your name ....
I replied: it's....__________....
He then he said : it's nice name...
I smiled and went to my room and he again stopped me and said:
By the way mine is SATAN !...

I said it's a good name and he said : yes i know, the god himself gave this name to me....

Then we both separated our ways.......

When I was in my room jibreel was there and he asked me : where were you ???
I said: I was with an angel named Satan...he was supposed to take me to the shinigamy chamber but instead he took me here......

Jibreel's face was shocked for sometime...and he said :
There is no angel named Satan exept for the fallen........

And then I knew how that angel knew the story.....of the fallen angel.....


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2017 ⏰

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