review #137: I Want It All Back(Zayn Malik)

369 4 3

author: bradfordquiff

rating: PG-13

read it if: you like abusive Zayn


"The bruises and scars that scatter my skin, does not compare to the deep ache I have kept within.

I should hate him and not ache for him, but in the depth of my soul, when not near him I feel like I'm falling in an abyss of hole.

Loved at day and abused at night, won't change the cause that I seek his hold tight.

Forgiven not forgotten from his violent dealings towards me, he resumes this pattern as I cry for mercy.

I taste the salt of my tears as his fist collides with my face, and the lip of mint and cigarettes as dawn finally breaks.

No lies but love is all that there is, I yearn for the Zayn Malik today to apprehend this.

The ache that blazes through his eyes is all I can see, when he beats me senseless until the sun welcomes me.

But what's the hurt that his eyes present through his perpetual beating? Is it pain from watching me, or the thought of me departing?"

~ Cara Harris


I'm back with some pros and cons!


-We see a lot of girls get beaten by their boyfriends,and our first thought is: "why they don't do anything about it?". This book shows the principal reasons of why the abused girls stand the cruelty: fright of what will happen if they speak up and\or there's a masoquist part that says "I still love him".

-A lot of books with bad boys are full of words and lack of action, but this story really shows the deep meaning of the title


-The first con is that,though this is a true bad boy story, I think it's stereotypical and kind of gruesome. Stereotypical since people always uses Zayn for the "abusive role",and gruesome because the cruelty feels so real you can reach the level of cringing

-And if you're a person that likes a lot of action then this isn't the book for you because the story tends to be repetitive and the updates are slow


With a deep plot,good grammar, slow development, a little it if you want a massive example of why a lot of abused girls don't stand up for themselves and\or you're very insensible to don't even feel a slight mental pain

note to author:

If you're reading this,thanks for making this. Though this isn't in my top 20 I learned a little with this and got the new wish for abused girls to be less masoquist and more independent and for people to not just stand there and judge. Hope you update soon since you left when the change finally started.Keep writing and take care ;)


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