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*this picks up basically where we left off in the chapter Truth*

Setting: avengers tower...

"Everyone know the plan?" I ask the avengers as they get ready, "I'll go in first and leave you an opening."

"..." they nod

"Captain your job is the Winter Soldier," I say, "and Red Skull."

"Right," he says

"Wanda is going Witch against Witch," I say, "scarlet versus Winter."

"..." she nods

"Hulk smash everything," I say

"..." Banner nods

"Hawk eye, Falcon, Vision and Widow keep the jet running and stand by for back up, " I say

"..." they both nod

"Should we call anyone else in?" Tony asks

"There's more of you?" I ask

"Panther, Spidy, dead pool; the list goes on and on," he says

"," I say, "I think we're good old man; and while the others are holding them off, you and I will search for Annie. She'll be glad to see familiar faces."

"What if she's already Red Winter?" Widow asks as we move to the jet

"I'll handle her," I say

"So?" Tony asks, "who's your favorite avenger?"

"..." I stare at him for a he serious right now? "Widow."

"That hurt; my own son too," Tony whines

"..." how is he my father? "It shouldn't be hard to find her, she's in the basement...unless they moved her."

"Where would they have moved her to?" Wanda asks

"..." I think for a moment, "Winter Soldier's room since she's part of project:W.03."

"I'll kill him," Tony says

"He's under hydras control Tony," Cap says

"If he even looks at her I'll kill him," he says

"He wasn't himself when he killed Howard and Maria," Cap says

"No. You don't get to speak their names," Tony snaps, "you knew and you didn't say anything."

"..." I look around the jet...knowing full well what they're talking about

"He wasn't himself then and he's not himself now," Cap argues

"Don't care; he killed my mom," Tony says

"And your dad," I mumble

"You know?" He asks

"..." everyone but Clint stares at me

"..." I sigh hanging my head, "we grew up in hydra," I say looking to him, "you really think that we didn't know? We knew, we just never knew we were related to them."

"..." they continue to stare

"They raised us to know the general intel on both our allies and our well as their weaknesses," I say, "you have two; your family, and that thing in your chest that's keeping you alive."

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