Angels x Witches

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This was the "Trickster x Angels" and I just think the change will be better. I didn't realize how cringy I wrote.

Most people think witches are evil. Let me correct myself, hunters think witches are evil. Well, at least the old fashion ones. Lucky for me and my two sisters, hunters leave us alone since we assist the Winchesters every once and a while when they need it. I should probably introduce myself. My name is Rosemary and my two sisters are Brenda and Alison. We were born down a line of witches for several centuries. Anyway, we've been bored lately and our good friend, Rowena, decided that she wanted to play a game. She knew a place where some angels came to drink since the whole Darkness issue and how Chuck resolved it and decided to bring most of the angels back and drag a couple back up from Hell. Then a few years later after the alternate universe bullshit, they definitely needed drinks. Anyway, my sisters are very excited for the bet. They have slept with almost every creature except for angels, demons, and the Mother of All. Lucky me, I fooled around with her before the older Winchester downed some Phoenix ashes and killed her. She really did like bitting the neck ;).

Anyway, we made some bets: 

Rowena's Bet was Gabriel, Balthazar, and Castiel would hit on her, Michael and Raphael would go for Brenda, Samandriel would go for Alison (since she was the youngest looking one and was the more innocent of the four of us), and I would be the odd one out.

Brenda's Bet was Gabriel and Raphael go for Rowena, Balthazar and Castiel would go for her, Samandriel would go for Alison, and Michael would go for me.

Alison's Bet was Gabriel would go for Rowena, Balthazar, Raphael, and Michael would go for Brenda, Samandriel would go for her, and Castiel would go for me.

My Bet was Gabriel goes for Rowena, Balthazar and Raphael would go for Brenda, Samandriel and Castiel would go for Alison, and Michael would approach me.

We were all wrong but I was closest. Gabriel went for Rowena, Balthazar went for Brenda, Samandriel went for Alison, and Raphael and Michael went for me. I don't know what we were all smoking to think that Castiel would go for any of us considering Dean Winchester was there drinking with his brother and they needed his help on a case. Anyway, the way they approached us wasn't the worst that we've experienced but Rowena and Brenda were lucky their angels had had practice...

read other parts to see how they flirted. they will be labeled as:

Angels x Witches: Rowena & Gabriel

Angels x Witches: Brenda x Balthazar

Angels x Witches: Alison x Samandriel

Angels x Witches: Rose x Michael or Raphael (there might be three parts: 1 w/ Michael, 2 w/ male!Raphael, 3 w/ female!Raphael.) <--- if I get around to it.

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