Angel x Witches: Rowena x Gabriel

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Gabriel slid up to the bar and smirked at the century-old witch, "Hey, Red."

Rowena glanced over, "I still think of the fun we had in the Winchester's bunker."

He grinned, "So do I. Ya know, I got this pretty little outfit that I know will look great on you."

She scoffed, "Rascal!"

"Oh you know, red."

He leaned in and whispered into her ear and she blushed deep red, about the shade of her hair. One of the other witches giggled and she shot them a glare. Rosemary smirked, "Hey, Red, looks from here that you got the naughty angel."

She scowled and Gabriel sent Rose a wink, "She sure has."

She linked her arm around his and drug him out before he embarrassed her more.

Rose smirked, "One down, four to go." And set her eyes on Brenda as Balthazar approached.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2019 ⏰

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