Chapter 13-Downtime.

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A/N: Based off of season one, episode eight of Young Justice. Mentions of Self harm and, depression.
Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, and Birdflash!

It has been three weeks since Dick cut and put his life at risk. It also has been three weeks since Dick admitted to having feelings for his best friend. It has been three, long weeks since they shared their first kiss. They haven't kiss since Dick's time in the medical wing in the Batcave. Wally continued to tell him how much he meant to him, how much he loved him but he totally didn't want to rush it. He wanted to allow Dick to heal. He didn't want to be the full and only reason Dick pushed himself to get better. Wally cared so much about Dick, that he wanted Dick to also get better for himself. To prove to himself that he was worth it and not just hearing Wally say it.

The team didn't know anything that had happened three weeks ago. Everyone was told that Batman and Robin had to go on a mission, outside the country. Most of the League knew and it was put into Dick's superhero Robin files. Wally could tell he hated that, hated looking weaker to everyone, and especially the new scars on his wrist. They were long, longer than most of his scars. 

Wally was allowed to spend many nights over at the manor with Dick. Even if he was at home or at his uncle's and aunt's and Dick called in the middle of the night, Wally would run straight over to his secret boyfriend. Only Wally's aunt Iris and his uncle Barry, a.k.a. The Flash knew that they were a couple; along with Kaldur and M'gann because Wally slipped up and told them. M'gann was so excited and happy about it, picking Wally up in the air and spinning him around. Kaldur nodded his head and patted Wally's back. 
Wally didn't see the problem in others knowing, but for Dick it was a whole other matter. He wasn't out to anyone and he fully didn't have a label on what he really felt or was. Wally tried to tell him that labels didn't matter, but to Dick who like to have everything in its place, to be in control over things. Dick disliked not being able to be in control of things, it really bugged him. So he told Wally that he loved him, that he had feelings for him for awhile now, but he wasn't the only person he ever felt something for. He also had a crush on a classmate at Gotham Academy, who is a girl. She is one of his best friends. Wally tired to tell Dick that he liked both girls and guys but Dick wanted to dig deep into it, and figure out what it all meant. Wally understood Dick and allowed him to find himself. It didn't matter what label Dick chose for himself, whether it was gay, bi or whatever, all Wally knew was that he was completely in love with Dick and no label was ever going to change that.


Wally was vibrating today with nerves. Robin was coming back to the team and they all were going off on a mission today, in Gotham. Dick repeatedly told Wally the night before that he was ready to come back, that he needed to have a schedule, to be in the flow of normalcy. Wally had said okay, but really he was nervous and worried. He was so worried that getting back into the hero stuff might add more stress to him and he might want to relapse. 

They have already had a few moments, where Dick had tried to hurt himself. Wally had been there each time and held onto Dick as he cried his eyes out, sometimes for the pain to stop and other times for the need of his blade, the need to have that release he so badly thought he needed. And each of those times, broke Wally's heart but he wouldn't...couldn't let Dick see him upset and sad because he knew if Dick saw the pain and sadness in his eyes, Dick would just feel ten times worst about himself for hurting his best friend. 

So Wally was on edge all day, his eyes glued on Robin. He was overwhelmed and Robin had noticed this and shoved him, telling him to stay whelmed then chuckled before leaving the mount to go to the mission.

In Gotham they began to battle ClayFace. At the beginning it was going fine but it soon took a turn for the worst. ClayFace knocked both M'gann and Superboy out. Robin then took charged of the situation. As the three of them fought ClayFace, the battle grew on. 

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