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Your POV:

I woke up feeling absolutely TERRIBLE!!! I rolled back over trying to go back to sleep but I couldn't.

"Hey Y/n wake up!" I just groaned at her too tired to care, sorry Aph,"are you ok?"

I shook my head no as everything was too cold and I couldn't warm up no matter how much I tried.

"Are you sick Y/n?" I only nodded believing that to be true.

She felt my forehead and quickly retracted her hand,"you are burning up!"

"No... it is too cold..." I murmured.

"AARON!!!" Aphmau yells and in comes my big brother a few minuets later.

"what is it Aph?" he asks her.

"Y/n is sick," She said in response to his reply.

Aaron came over touching my forehead then nodding in agreement.

"Aawon..." I murmured weakly.

He shushed me then took Aphmau leaving our room.

Aaron's POV:

"She needs rest and that is it, she is like a small child when she is sick," I explained to her," let's brief the others on this then eat breakfast okay?"

"Okay!" she said like that did not seem to bother her, maybe it is because she loves babies and children.

"Can you not try to play with her because she is acting like a child," I tell Aph.

"No promises Aaron," she giggles evilly and walks past me.

"Aph please don't!" I look at her with concern but she was already gone all I do is sigh.

Your POV:

I don't know how long it has been but... I am very bored. I wanna go somewhere but if I do big brother will make me get back in bed again.

"I bored..." I whine getting out of bed and holding onto my blanket dragging it with me as I left my room," I go find someone who pway wit me"

I wander around the house and find practically nobody until I stumble across Garroth.

"Garrwoth!" I yell excitedly,"Pway wit me!"

"Y-Y/n aren't you sick! You need bed rest," he said in a way that was scolding me.

"PWAY WIT ME!" I yell and pull at his hair.

"AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!" he yells out trying to get me off of him,"HELP I AM BEING ATTACKED BY Y/N!"

I start laughing and let go of his hair,"PWAY WIT ME!"

"Okay okay!" he said putting his hands up in case I grabbed at his hair again.

"Good! Now you are my right hand man! We run the best Mafia in town!" I declare grabbing a fedora from I don't know where one for me and one for Garroth.

"Why do you have these?!" he asks extremely confused.

"Oi! you don't speak unless spoken to!" I yell at him and he stands up straight, "You got it?!" 

"y-Yes!" he replies and I nod my head.

I put a lollipop in my mouth like a cigarette and kept my head up flicking my head up more.

"NOW! We need ta take down the other Mafia led by teh infamous AA!" I declare clutching my fist.

Garroth raised his hand like he was asking permission to speak and I gave him a nod in approval.

"Who is AA?" Garroth asks.

"Only the cruelest gang leader ev-" I was lifted up under my arms.

"Y/n... you need sleep..." It was Aaron.

"HELP AA GOT ME!" I squirm then give up. Aaron sighs and takes me back to the room and I pout,"Why did you stop my fun!"

"Because you are sick!" Aaron had the same tone I just gave him.

"I'm not sick I feel great!" I snapped upset as I crossed my arms looking away from him.

"Whatever but if you leave this room then you won't get desert!" He yelled as he left the room.

I curled up on my bed frustrated and scream into my pillow. I don't just like desert I love desert I love it so much it hurts, and by that I mean I hurt others so I can get my desert.

I soon hear a knock on the door,"Who is it?" I say bored out of my mind and back. I look to see who has opened the door and it was Aphmau she had stuffies! And they were all kitty stuffies! She also had cupcakes and My Little Horsies!

"Yay! Aphmoo is here!" I threw my hands up excitedly.

"And not just Aphmoo!" She said copying my tone,"I even brought Zane! TA-DA Yayyyyy!" She claps her hands as Zane did indeed walk in with Horsies of his own.

"Yay Zawne!" I clap my hands sitting up on my bed.

I guess being sick isn't so bad I mean at least until Aaron finds out I ate desert before dinner, but that was the least of my concerns I had to focus on how unfair Zane was being with his Pinky cake, major op-ness.

So after the amazing time we hade playing it was nap time for me, so Aphmoo read me a story giving me all the stuffies and I went to sleep.

Today was a good day, even if I didn't feel too good!

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