I pull myself out of bed, brush my teeth, and get ready for school like I do every morning. After I'm ready, I go down the stairs, say good-bye to my mom and dad; kissing my little sister on the cheek and go out the door to mount the growling, yellow cheese wagon.
"Hey, Char!" my friends greet me as I take a seat and listen to the most recent gossip that seems to surround the bus. Doing the same things I do everyday-- no big deal.
After we reach the school, I go to my first class of the day and wait for my name to be called for role. It is called... but not in its usual order, "Charlette Henson."
"Here," I pipe up.
"No, dear you're being called for dismissal." She says, the phone ringing, she answers it and she looks over the room. Her eyes land on a few students and then she announces, "Along with Danny, Ashley, Brit, Jason..." the list of names continue but I'm already out the door.
What's happening? There has to be something wrong.
Once I reach the front office, I can see a crowd of parents, some stretching outside the door, some inside the doors. Among them, I see my mother. Stress covering her face like glue. I, along with at least fifteen other students, push our way through the large groups of people. After being elbowed in the ribs a few hundred times, I reach my mother, "Mom... mom, what's going on? What's wrong?"
"When we get to the car," She says, signing me out and grabbing my shoulder lightly as she pulls me to the door.
She doesn't speak until we reach the car and she turns on the engine.
"This is going to be hard for you to hear and hard for me to say, it was hard for me to hear... especially at fourteen years old..." she starts to talk about nothing particular.
"Mom, what're you talking about?"
"When we found out, we didn't want to tell our children... wanted to keep them innocent, letting them live the rest of what they had left... but we can't keep it a secret anymore. It's here and here now..."
"You're not making any sense."
"Here goes," she takes a deep breath and keeps her eyes glued to the road, "Three years ago, scientist discovered a disease that had spread to everyone across the globe. They had estimated that we had five years... turns out we had three... it's starting. People have been dropping like flies all day and-" her voice cracks and she takes a moment, "and, it took your father and your sister already..." her voice goes quiet and hoarse, scaring me a lot.
"What?" is all I can think to say. I know I should be crying, but all I can think is that this is some kind of sick joke.
{{A/N: Hey guys! This is a new story! Infinity Times Infinity Squared is on hold for those that care. I sort of lost the notebook I was writing it in. So, sorry. It shall resume when I find it! I promise. My other story, Bad Boy, is going to continue!
Okay, that's all!
Love you, guys!
Until next time!}}