I'm back (Lucy POV)

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"How do I even know he still lives here?" I screamed at my butler in frustration. He say there visually horrified by my sudden outbursts, yet intently listening all the same.

"I mean, how do I even know he's still alive? All I have left of him is the locket he gave me three years ago!" I screamed furthermore, pacing around the room frantically. I let out a large sigh and fell to the floor and began to cry. I let out a small smile as I thought about him. Natsu Dragneel, my best friend. I could tell him anything. He was the only person outside of my home that I trusted, with anything! I will never forget the day I met him.

"What's your family like?" He whisper yelled from his bedroom window, his voice drifting to mine.
"My family is small. My mother died when I was born and my father pays no attention to me." I said it so bluntly. Not a trace of emotion. The boy across the fence frowned.

"Mine is similar. My father disappeared and my mother isolates herself. I used to have a brother but he went to prison for attempt of murder." He was also emotionless, but I let out a small gasp.

"Who did he attempt to kill?" I said it hesitantly, and with caution. He turned away for just a moment but then looked back into my eyes. He closed them gently.

"Me...Hey! I'm gionna come outside! You should too!" He suddenly became excited! I smiled largely after wiping away a few tears from the thought o his brother trying to harm him in such a way, but then yet again, a frown crept across my face as the realization hit me, I wasn't allowed outside at night time.

"I'll get in trouble." His smile shrunk as he ran downstairs and put the front door. I saw him jump the fence into my yard. I giggled at how out of breath he was. I could tell he was strong. I really wanted to know this boy, I wanted to be his friend. This was unusual for me even being a 6 year old girl. I leaned out the window just a little further to talk to him and that's when it happened. I leaned too far forward. I fell out the window, instead of screaming I held my breath. It was what I did when I was scared. Just as the time I would've hit the ground I felt two solid things hug me from beneath. I opened my eyes and released my breath. It was him, the boy from across the fence. The Dragneel boy.

"Th-thank you..." I stuttered. He smiled sheepishly and let out a sigh of what sounded of relief.

"N-no problem. Oh, I'm Natsu, by the way. Natsu Dragneel." He stuck out his hand for me to take as we were taught to. I gladly took it and replied to him,

"Well, Natsu Dragneel, you just saved the life of Lucy Heartfillia. It's a pleasure." We shook hands and then giggled with each other.

Flashback Over
We've been best friends eve. Since that day and now I've been gone for three years without even writing. Will re even want to see me? There's only one way to find out. I informed my butler that I would be going next door to the Dragneel Manor for a little while as I pulled on my coat. I took a deep breath and clenched the heart shaped locker in my fiat tightly as I walked up to the large building next door to the equally large one that I live in. I was terrified. Still holding the locket in hand, I knocked on the door shakily, and it opened. There stood Natsu's butler, Henry. I took a small curtesy and greeted him.

"Hello, Henry. Very nice to see you again." I said with a soft smile, still holding the locket. He looked astonished. I had been gone for three years, it was only expected. He greeted me and invited me inside. He took my coat and hung it up on a golden coat rack by the door. Then I heard his powerful, yet sweet voice for the first time in three years!

"Henry, who's at the door?" He yelled from the top of his spiral staircase.

"This one you will want to come and see for yourself, sir!" He replied with as Haley voice. I could tell it was because he hadn't expected me to come back, but I told Natsu I would, it was the biggest promise I had ever made to him. He was not only my best friend, but my only friend, I had to keep this promise. He came down the stairs at a very low speed and I had my back turned to him when he reached he bottom. I was speaking to one of his maids, Bridget. I was very close to her. We giggled and then I felt someone starring at me. I spun around and saw Natsu giving me a questionable look. His eyes widened, he walked closer to me. He was havin doubts about whether it was really me or not and so that's when I released the locket from my clenched fist. I looked at it for just a moment and then I opened it. I smiled as I looked down at the picture, the memory, it held inside of it. The day he taught me to sing. I had a microphone and he had drum sticks. We were the best two man band around! I giggled before slowly handing to him. He looked down at I for a moment and was completely silent. A small drop of water had hit the glass that protected the picture. It was a tear, his tear. I lifted up his chin, gave him my signature cheesy smile, and said,

"I'm back..." He looked into my eyes like he did that night and he said the three words that I was really hoping would be what he said,

"I've missed you." He said it so quietly, but he then said something I didn't expect. He said my name.

A/N: HAIII!!! So, I enjoyed writing this, like, a lot. I'm glad I decided to do so. Although, this doesn't make sense! The description shows her falling again and him catching her again. What??? Is she gonna leave again. What will happen or has it already happened. And now I've just confused you which is my job so that you'll be really hype to read this next chapter, which I hope you are. Keep in mind it's extremely late when I'm writing this one so any typos I sincerely apologize for and any of you are mad at me for stoping "His Lioness" and "Run Away Rich Girl" I also apologize for that. It was just too much for me and I recently found out that a NaLu book called "Catch Me" was erased and that really depressed me bc I wanted to read it again but yeah, so that was my inspiration for this. Thank you reader-chan! Byyyyyyyeee!!!

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